112. The beginning

Izumi smashed the old geezer's head on the ground even though the floor cracked, surprisingly his head didn't burst into pieces.

At most, it opened up a little and some blood splashed between Izumi's eyebrows.

"Don't worry you won't die unless I allow you to." He stepped on his head and smiled cruelly at others while cracking his knuckles.


He applied little force on his leg causing the wound to spread a little wider as the blood gushed crazily.

*Gulu gulu*

'The audience' swallowed their saliva in fear.

His devious, ruthless, aggressive actions made their little will power falter and unprecedented trepidation rose in the depths of their heart.

The red drop of blood and that evil smile on his face made everyone really scared.

Inevitably, there was the wave of anxiety, helplessness, hopelessness and despair that eroded their hearts as they regretted why they didn't kill this monster sooner?

Only if they had listened to Azami's words then this nightmare would not have occurred today.

Unfortunately, there's no 'IF' in this world.

There's always that one stupid mistake that changes everything.

Yes, you're right.

Azami Nakiri was the main mastermind and don't worry there was already a death mark on his head.

He was just living with a borrowed time.


Then Izumi stepped forward to grab another geezer like picking a chicken and started ramming punches until he was beyond recognisable.

Punch, punch, punch and repeat.

The most weird thing was that there was not a scratch on his watch.🤔

He kept repeating the same methods on the rest for an hour, venting all his negative emotions as his eyes were dyed in dark purple with a cross drawn in the abyss of the pupils.

If one were to look into his eyes now then he'd die tragically in seconds as his soul would collapse due to the massive amount of chaos and destruction it contains.

Fortunately, Izumi stabilized his emotions as despite him being suppressing his power, it would leak from time to time due his rate of evolution.

Yes, those earrings were his limiter, if not then the whole city would collapse from the outbreak even as a percentage of his power.



After slapping them to keep them awake.

He waved his hand as all the blood was cleaned up, then stated with a beaming smile, "Hey, don't sleep now. That was just an appetizer. The multi-course meal is coming soon."

Geezers who thought that he'd finally leave them(pretty stupid) or at least land the finishing blow, were horrified after hearing this.

'No way! Why?! Why!!'

They don't know why today they were full of vitality despite being beaten to near death many times, but their mental energy was already exhausted.

Izumi's smile grew wider as he was very much enjoying their desperate expressions.

Slowly pushing them deeper and deeper into the abyss, making them feel what he and his mother felt when his father passed away.

'A pity. The gas is running out or else I'd like to continue for a while.'

"Let them out!"

Scoffing, Izumi walked towards the stairs and sat there widening the body, putting both hands on the thighs with elbows out sideways.

Not before a simple warning, "Better pray that you're not the first."

After a couple of seconds, the shadows of the figures were visible.

Two Siberian Tigers and an African Lion stepped up into the blood filled floor as they scanned the surroundings with excessive saliva salivating from their mouths.


The temperature in the room dropped to the freezing point.

"Y-yyou...ou..Madhman!!" Someone shouted desperately but due to excessive beatings and bleeding the words were blurry.

Amidst the several pairs of horrified expression, a group of three wild animals entered the blood pool residence.

Only Izumi could really tell that they were intoxicated with all this blood around them.

"Gentlemen, I present you the three most dangerous herbivores🤣 animals. I hope you like it."

Just kidding, lol.


The African lion who was in the middle roared as if responding to Izumi's obvious mockery.

What herbivores? I'm the king of the Jungle and we're the Carnivorous and the deadliest in the earth.

Lastly, we hate grass the most.


Two Siberian Tigers also roared in quick succession agreeing to the lion's words, at least for now.

After all they were rivals, sometimes they would fight for the title strongest.

Ignoring their complaints, he noticed from the corner of his eye that the old geezers were already trying to retreat instinctively.

"Buddies, I kept my promise and presented you with the most delicious dinner party ever....Ohh, You're welcome."

"Hurry up! The taste will be great when it's hot."

After introducing each other, he sat back.


After coming back to their senses, they saw the three quite large glowing round pupils staring at them, blinking from time to time.

Obviously, they were just drinking the blood flowing on the floor but their predatory gazes fixed on their frame like a missile locked onto its target, monitoring their every move.


"I beg you, Boy...no, master Miyamura. We'll become your slaves and...and.. Arggohh!!!"

One of the geezers began to plead but screamed loudly as he felt exhilarating pain from his legs.

Looking over, he saw it was already half torn.

"Unlucky. Next one." Izumi commented, pursuing his lips as he didn't pay any attention to his enemy pleading.

"Leave m--noooo!" Before they could run, the nearest one was grasped and held onto by 4 inch claws as it seemed one of the Siberian booked two for itself.

Just when their mind started coming back to senses, the African lion and the other Siberian tiger jumped on and attacked their prey by expanding their mouths and deadly claws.

They almost slipped due to the slippery floor.

They also had two each for themselves and as of now, 6 geezers had been booked leaving only one who had already peed in his pants.

He was left out because he stabbed them in the back at the critical moment, however he was the unluckiest one if I have to say.

"F.R.I.E.N.D.S" Izumi stood up and clapped vigorously.

"Hey old Geezer, you've won the exclusive superb VIP seat. Enjoy."

"Bastard! Arrggh!.. Why am I stil..l alibe?"

The old geezers who had become someone else's dinner noticed that despite being his body torn apart, they were enjoying being eaten from the 1st person view.

"Oh that." Izumi realised and said, "Didn't I tell you before that you can't die unless your heart is dead? That drink of yours was mixed with a special drug which will give you immense Vitality, burning your life."

Their faces sank while hearing his words.

"So enjoy yourself being eaten alive."

There was strong excitement in his eyes and couldn't be concealed at all.

Don't think that he had been driven by revenge.

For his enemies, he can become anyone that even the devil shivers.

(A/N: In the last chapter - .... I had stated about these facts. He'll only show his true self to his family and people he could trust.)

"Curse yo-!" His mouth was torn apart as the lion was irritated.


An hour had passed, they were almost finished as there were some bones with fleshes laying on the floor.

"Hey Buddies, I hope you have some extra space because...." Izumi yawned and turned his attention towards the only old geezer who had been sitting on his own vomit and poops in daze.

A terrifying glint flashed across his eyes as Izumi raised his voice.

"Finally, I present you the desert." His words awakened everyone as his buddies grinned showing their red shark teeth, whereas, the old man didn't move.

"However, If you can't kill him before 5 minutes then no human meat for a week."

As soon his words finished, the old man's eye widened in shock after all, he could tell his vitality passed away slowly due to its side effects.

Give him another 2 minutes then whoosh.

So, he thought it was better to sit back and act like you don't care if you live or die, but never did it occur to them that this Devil would be this cruel.

Hey dude, this geezer has surely gone senile, how could they forgot that Izumi was the creator of the drug?


Thunderous roars reverberated the whole hall.

He didn't have time to think as he was greeted by 12 canines.

Three animals immediately hurled at him with their mouths opened and claws sharpened like their lives depended on it.

No way! After tasting hooman's meat, all other meat had become unpalatable for their tastes.




Seeing his enemy's body parts shredded to pieces, Izumi got up and rearranged his suit and walked out of the residence.

His steps were full of blood marks from his shoes, however, it got cleansed afterwards.

The dead bodies scattered around him didn't make his expression fluctuate.

Innocent? Not particularly.

His parents were also innocent, but what happened?

You cannot call him heartless for not sparing teenagers because he lives by his own standard not yours.

Also, you can't blame him for eliminating the weeds from the roots.

This is the path he had taken.

He didn't feel disgusted at all, if anything, he felt satisfied.

"Sir, things have been arranged according to the process." His subordinate told him as he just waved his hand indicating him to go back.

He stood there and it didn't take long before three deadly creatures exited the residence then used their claws to clean their teeth, except the female Amur tiger who waved his claws at Izumi.

Izumi extended his hand to stroke her head and said, "You're welcome. Now, I'll send you directly to the Island, okay."

The 🐅 chuffed as other two produced a breathy snorts by blowing through the nostrils as he chuckled seeing their actions.

Then he opened a portal for them as three of them walked into it and, joked.

"Go make babies! Your species are already in danger!"

He quickly closed it before they could rush back.



He wore his sunglasses and lit up his cigarette then walked away like a King, after throwing the lighter with fire in it behind him.

(Imagine it in a slow motion)

When the lighter touched the ground, it surrounded the whole house in a wave of fire within seconds, engulfing it completely.

"This is just the beginning..."

(Engine Revive)


He drove away after leaving this sentence as the whole house along with the parking space blew up twice, forming clouds of black smoke while floating in the sky.

(Flashback Ends)


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Thanks for reading my story. Have a great day ahead!

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