Dark mind

- I was expecting that kind of thinking. Even only having known you in such a short time. All that you are even if complex and abysmal is already so obvious.

A strange veil passed over his unfathomable eyes, and then he made a slight significant gesture.

- I would not be me if I had replied otherwise. Tell me, have you ever wanted to do it with a beast?

Ivy frowned, expecting anything but that kind of question.

- What?

- I was just wondering if you've ever had the fantasy of sleeping with a beast, I can only speak of fantasy of course, since you've still got the old way of saying it, totally intact.

Zion shrugged and stared at her sneakily.

- It's really wonderful, you know, but of course, only with me.

Ivy lost her voice for a moment.

- Now I'm completely convinced of your incurable and unlimited arrogance. It's just amazing that a person can be so impressive and shocking without even feeling the slightest bit of embarrassment. But now I'd like to know exactly why you asked me that question?

- Because to say no, your speech was too long. Which clearly shows that it was anything but sincere.

They exchanged a false smile.

- Let's end this unproductive discussion and get to the point.

- Which is?

Taking a deep breath, Ivy calmly stepped forward and stood tall before the beast.

- I will not let you harm Dr. Kreiz Vintry.

- And why is that?

- Why is that? You dare to ask me why?" she shouted, stunned and revolted by so much incomprehension. "But it is because he is a good person, more than good. A man apart and without equal. The best of his generation.

- Oh, another long and equally suspicious tirade. Are you by any chance in love with him?

- No, but I have great admiration and respect for him. That's something that's probably outside your twisted understanding. But "normal" people, and she insisted strongly on this very complicated word, don't need the bonds of this kind of love, to understand and support each other in all situations, good or bad.

- You are right, I don't understand.

- The great Zion who agrees to recognize the opinions of others and his own ignorance. An event in history, no doubt!

- That goes without saying. But you see, as you guessed at the very beginning, I am a person who hates pressure. Your hero knew as well as I did the hatred I had for opening the borders of Vaegos, but he made sure to do it anyway. I never forgive such repulsive impudence on my territory and my people. So, like it or not, I'm going to make him pay for it.

Ivy felt a cold chill run through her body.

- And what exactly are you going to do to him?

- Who knows? Who really knows?" he repeated in a too suave voice, by posing on it a snide and playful glance. "I'm still thinking about it. Oh, maybe the same thing I did to those monsters that chased you.

- And what did you do to them, if I may ask?

The beast looked at her for a long time.

- What do you think I did to them, Ivy?

The latter saw Zion released from his body, from under the translucent scales, black and very suffocating waves, and spread them everywhere accompanied by painful shock waves, burning white vapors came out of his mouth, and his beautiful and dangerously bright eyes, directed at her as cold as unbearable reflected something close to murderous madness. What do you think a person like me is going to do to anyone who dares to disturb his world?

Ivy couldn't answer and only shook her head.

- Please don't hurt him.

Without answering, he continued to look at Ivy and then moved so fast, like a dream, that the next second he was behind her, very close, almost touching her and whispered.

- Please, Zion. You saved me even knowing who I am and what I stand for. I couldn't have gone on without you. My dear mother would not have to cry and miss her daughter. No one in my family would have to do that. And it's all thanks to you. The same goes for the doctor, this wonderful man is very important to many people. He is also the brother of one of my greatest friends. Even you must recognize the depth of such a bond and friendship.

Zion breathed, and his icy breath hurt the girl's skin.

- Once again you are right, princess, a person once loved me so much that this immortal feeling drove him to madness. So, to solve the problem, I chose to do what I had to do. This is the case of that being for whom you feel so strongly Ivy. He made his choice knowing full well all the terrible consequences that would follow. So I will make mine.

Ivy pursed her lips up to the blood and turned to him.

- I won't let you do it, Zion. I will stop you even if I have to hurt myself more.

- No, you can't, just like you couldn't help but love these rare creatures, even if it meant paying the highest price for them. And that's probably the only thing that will ever bind us.

- You were wrong a moment ago, about your friend," she pointed out in response to her host's questioning look. It wasn't his deep feeling of love that broke him and drove him to madness, it was you.

- And I know it more than anybody. But between us," he added after a significant pause, "perhaps I made it so, after all.

Then, as his previous acquaintance had done, Zion dissipated in a mass of glittering clouds, but this time so intense and dark that they chilled the whole place where they were. And then he was gone as fast as the sound.

- Zion!

It was useless, of course, but Ivy had tried to stop him anyway.

Feeling weak and sick, the girl went to sit on the chair her host had just released.

She still had a rather hazy memory of what was going to happen later, but it didn't matter, because she had fortunately discovered that what Zion so coldly called "settling someone's score" was totally different from what it usually meant. At least, that's what Ivy thought at first.

Still sitting, obnoxiously weak on the cold chair, eyes in the dark, Ivy soon heard a noise, somewhat familiar.

Intrigued, she approached the edge and looked down. What she discovered filled her with joy and immediately gave her a good idea.

- Beigie!

The latter greeted her with joy and jumped around unable to contain her emotion, while the girl jumped from the guest room to meet her friend who had become so loyal and attached to her.

- Beigie, I'm so glad to see you back safe and sound!" she exclaimed, kissing him tenderly on the neck. Let me see you," she continued, pulling away and looking at him intently. "And tell me, you became even more beautiful and stronger, undoubtedly thanks to the new magic that I feel in you!

She absentmindedly stroked his fur.

- I thought he let you get caught by them, it would not have surprised me at all, considering his difficult nature and his devious mind. However he has undoubtedly taken into account the fact that you helped me and carried me around. I would have suffered a lot of your disappearance.

Beigie gazed at her and buried his face in her delicate hands.

- I know you were trying to convince me that he's not that cruel. But we both know he is.

Beigie closed his eyes and tenderly licked the palm of the young stranger's hand. Yes, the creature from Paroxa thought, she had to admit that her ruler was cruel and incapable of concession. And yet the girl had not seen anything yet. He was capable of worse, much worse, just as he was perfectly capable of the best.

- Beigie, I need your help, carry me on your back and guide me in the steps of your master. Please! For he is on his way to do a terrible thing that I must by all means avoid.

The beast of Paroxa nodded without hesitation and they set off at the fastest speed the hybrid could manage. Fortunately, Zion had left trails of bright star sails in his path, which were highly visible, or they would never have been able to follow him.

During their journey, they crossed the immense city that she had admired earlier and that, unfortunately, in the current conditions, she would have neither the heart nor the time to visit as she would have liked. So she saw only what she had guessed from her room, a great animation, gigantic buildings as diverse as fascinating, wide and clean roads, people of all races and cultures mingling in an incredible activity. Their wealth and freedom was evident.

And finally they reached the outskirts of this enchanted city where Zion stood, both cold and fiery before another being with whom he was arguing furiously.

Ivy quickly identified the other person, but the image of him on the covers of her books or on television did him no credit. He was breathtakingly handsome. Dr. Kreiz Vintry wore a brown cashmere sweater and tight white pants with dark gray moccasins. Without fear or nervousness, he competed with nobility and conviction against his terrible opponent, the same qualities he had had to demonstrate to demand access to Vaegos and had obtained. And he did it even more brilliantly this time, given his opponent, the worst he would ever face.