Fierce meeting

Zion flew more intensely than usual over his beloved territory.

Something he hadn't done since his younger days, when he was still training to master and develop his powers.

And no matter how much he tried to deny it, he knew perfectly well the reason for his agitation, the terrible anger that had been eating away at his mind for the past few minutes. He would never have believed it possible, but he was jealous, terribly jealous of Kreiz Vintry, of the admiration others had for him and of the attachment he was able to arouse with such naturalness, undoubtedly resembling a gift. And by the others, he meant only a certain girl with a perfect body, long fiery hair and a sharp tongue.

- What does she really see in him?" he mumbled sulkily. "I can't imagine!

Then he looked up and admired the starry sky.

- His tight suit as bright as this clear and sparkling night suits him so well.

Then trying to chase away his ravaging desire from his being, he focused on his target and obviously found it. Kreiz was standing on a high terrace of an old and dilapidated building, but with a solid foundation.

He was crouched in front of a century-old painting on a half-destroyed wall, admiring the work and gently scraping the inscribed symbols to collect the small fragments of dust in a highly functional blue and white box.

Zion landed hard on the terrace not far from his enemy, and stood majestically.

- I was told you were looking for me, Kreiz?

The latter took the time to finish his task before calmly put away his equipment and then stood up in turn and facing the person for whom he was obliged to undertake all this. He gave him a provocative look.

- What makes you think I'm looking for you here?

- I don't know, you're right. But since you have the spirit to play this irritating game, I might as well kick you out of my kingdom right now, with a sharp way.

- Oh, so I have the power to irritate you, very interesting and useful. I'm going to get rid of it then.

- I won't stop you, however, if you want to continue this behavior, then I, for one, will stop my nice manners.

- Your manners never were. But prelude over," he conceded, " yes, I confess, unwillingly, that I was looking for you. So why not start with our names.

- Indeed, so I'll tell you what you're allowed to call me. Zion.

- What a name! But I expected no less. And if the nickname is already so distinguished then what about the original!

- Beautiful, of course. But we are drifting away from our main topic. I listen to you, why did you come here to see me?

- Because I want to know where he is.

- Where who is?

- Don't pretend you don't know, Zion. I know you understood perfectly well who I mean.

- I probably did. But I always ask for confirmation. Just in case my understanding differs from yours!

- All right, all right. So to be perfectly understood, I am talking about your mentor and master, your dear and rich friend, assuming that this friendship really exists, who maintains you and disposes of you like a toy. Emperor Zot Dirguel Hoshius.

Zion stared at him intently for a few moments before asking.

- Why do you want to see him?

- For an important reason, and before you ask me what it is or why? I know you're the only one who always knows his true location and whereabouts. And don't even try to deny it, I know it from a reliable source.

- From a reliable source, huh? replied the ironic leader. If he really was as you say, he should also have known where Zot is by now.

- But he doesn't, so let's not talk about it anymore. So you're going to tell me?

- I've already asked you, but considering the blood that runs through your veins and therefore I'll have to show you some consideration, I'll ask you again, why now and why do you want to see him?

- No, I don't. The only thing you should know is that this reason is so important that I have stooped to claim the right to access your incredible empire and ask you, precisely, for his position in order to meet him. And the subject we will have to discuss is only between my family and him.

- I see. In a way your explanations are very explicit.

- Of course they are. Because as you so rightly pointed out, and not to belittle you, I am his son." Krez was silent and looked at the stellar beast for a moment before closing his eyes and shaking his head. "I can't imagine such irony or deeper hurt, obviously concerning you. While I don't give any kind of importance to this unbreakable bond that I carry in my blood, you would have given anything to have it. I have what you will never have. And know that I sympathize.

- Yes, in a family blood is something very important, the most important even I imagine. But as you have seen for yourself, there are always exceptions. And strangely enough, when he passed on to you this blood you are so proud of, despite your desperate intentions to hide it especially from yourself, it lost all its power.

- Oh, I'm sure I heard the shrill tinkle of jealousy in your .... powerful words.

As Zion continued to listen to his visitor, the one he so despised and despised, he thought about how ironic life could be. For Kreiz Vintry was accusing him of a monstrous thing that he himself was ultimately the most guilty of. And he had to be aware more than anyone else that this blood, no matter how great it was and how proud he was of it, or even all the blood in the world, could never change reality.

It was Zion in fact who had what Kreiz would never have.

It was so pathetic that he ended up feeling pain.

- No, not at all. He finally refused with a deceptive nonchalance and a sneering smile. And let me prove it to you. You know why I always know exactly where Zot is? Well, you have to understand that I don't need him to tell me anything, simply because my power is such that I can easily define his position and movements. And I could do it here. But I will only do it if you tell me exactly why you need to see him. And I warn you, Kreiz, I will give you this chance only once. And before you try anything against me, let me tell you what I can do.

Immediately the beast enveloped itself in a dark light and immediately drops of magic water fell from a dark sky and intensified into a violent rain that covered the whole area and hurt Kreiz.

And just as suddenly, Zion stopped him as if from a cruel game he would soon tire of, to watch the bastard son of Zot kneel in pain before him.