
A long time later, when Ivy could finally wake up, she did not find herself as she had wished on a huge bed, placed in an upper room without walls, from which one could see the world of this person, but in a booth, lying on a comfortable couch, under the anxious look of her hero, Dr. Kreiz.

- Kreiz....

The latter breathed a brief sigh of relief that revealed all that his anxiety had been.

- Yes, you're finally awake.

- Yes, thankfully. But where are we? What has happened?

- It's over, we're home. And we're never going back to that cursed kingdom again.

Ivy was more than happy to be reunited with the writer and to see that they were both safe and sound, and ready to go home. She looked outside and saw a fine rain falling, covering the space with a light, soothing veil. She was safe. She had returned to her kingdom, returned to find her friends and her wonderful family. But then, why did her heart hurt so much?


In the days following this memorable adventure, after some time in the hospital and a heartwarming reunion with her family and friends, Ivy returned to her normal life.

But what changed in her daily routine was her new relationship with Dr. Kreiz Vintry. He was now an integral part of her life. They began to spend a lot of time together and he even took her with him to visit his sick sister, who was hospitalized in a private clinic. With such a brother, and belonging to one of the richest families in the kingdom, the young woman was obviously installed in the VIP quarters. The spacious and luxurious walls were painted in a light color oscillating between pink and orange. The floor was covered with a thick white and blue carpet. A huge bay window took up an entire wall. She had all the necessary accessories to be able to spend time, wi-fi, television, refrigerator, books by dozen on a small shelf and which were renewed automatically as soon as she expressed the desire of it, of the special persons in charge was even placed at her disposal in order to answer the least of her desires. And finally the wide and very comfortable bed covered with silky sheets of a pale pink, decorated with patterns of multicolored butterflies, which sometimes came out of their abstract universe to rush into the room and sprinkle it with very sparkling magic powders.

The patient had the same incredible, almost moon-like blonde hair as her brothers, but the difference ended there. Ivy thought Kreiz and Roj should look like their father and their sister should look like their mother. Little did she know that she was right in many ways and wrong in others.

When she visited Lirane Vintry for the second time, she finally had the opportunity to meet the doctor's family members. There was her father, the great and undisputed Jeel Vintry, a wealthy businessman who had made a fortune in various transportation sectors. He had bright red hair, wore a smart suit easily over his slim body, but must have looked equally comfortable in casual attire. His clear, warm face, illuminated by aquamarine eyes, would immediately evoke trust and respect, as well as a comfort that is usually never found in others at first contact. He was the spitting image of Roj, but strangely did not possess even the slightest resemblance to Kreiz, which deeply intrigued the girl.

- You must be the beautiful girl my son discovered in the forest of Vaegos. I am Jeel Vintry, very pleased to meet you.

- So am I, sir. Kreiz has told me a lot about you and your whole family. And Roj of course, who also happens to be one of my best friends, and looks just like you.

- Glad to hear it all. Then he turned tenderly to the woman standing next to him, and kissed her. And this is my beautiful wife, Cleida Vintry.

- Nice to meet you, ma'am.

- It's nice to meet you, too, my dear child," replied one of the most beautiful women Ivy had ever met.

Cleida Vintry was tall and slender, with long, silky, very blond, almost white hair, a face of exceptional delicacy, skin as soft as pure water, and eyes of an incredible azure blue.

She was wearing a beautiful short blue and white empire style dress and black suede pumps. Thus, she was the concrete image of a masterpiece. And she had passed on the same splendor to her daughter.

But then why did Kreiz, despite his blond hair, and his sublime beauty look like none of them?

Ivy probably put on a revealing expression of what she was thinking because everyone eventually fell silent and a rather awkward and indecisive silence settled over the room.

Cleida also admired the girl, whom her eldest son seemed to like so much that he went against one of his most deeply held principles by agreeing to introduce her to his family. Apart from her daughter Lirane, she had never contemplated such a charming and luminous creature who unquestionably possessed the gift of enchanting all men and becoming the center of their lives.

While contemplating her, the woman had the strange impression of being back at that age, the age when she had carried her beloved twins in her womb. That distant time when she loved life as only a few people could, and experienced a love that was defined as once in a lifetime. The girl wore tight black jeans and a sleeveless yellow blouse adorned with bows and heeled boots. Thus, the word sublime was created for her. However, the lady from Vintry would have sworn that even a big, ugly, shapeless bag would have looked chic worn on her.

However what bothered her was not this dazzling beauty nor this warm personality, but rather the disturbing hunch that cruelly informed her that despite all the affection this passionate and bright girl had for her beloved son, she seemed to be much more attached to someone else. Maybe it was just a hunch, but it was eating away at her terribly. And also, she thought, as she turned to her beloved husband was she herself not shaped in the same way, at this unforgettable time in her life. Cleida certainly loved Jeel with all her heart, but if this other person she had loved... even after all these years, she still couldn't say his name. If that person hadn't done what he had done, then maybe...

But Cleida shook her head resolutely. No, of course she wouldn't have changed her choices. She would have chosen Jeel against all odds because she wanted to have a stable, secure life with a tall, gentle, caring man. She told herself this so many times since day one. So much so that in the end, she finally believed it.

- So you're the famous rare creature student, if I understand correctly.