Externally bright

Ivy smiled with pleasure.

- Yes! Lucky for me, I found my voice early on.

- Really! What sparked this passion in you?

- Mom!

- Don't worry, Kreiz! Ivy shaved. It's not a shameful secret at all, you know! Do you know the protected park of Nimis? Ivy continued, addressing her friend's mother again.

- Who doesn't know about the winged creatures park! A beautiful place.

- When I was still a child, my mother often took me there when she had some free time. And there, sitting on a bench under a big old tree, we would admire these wonderful winged creatures that fortunately matter so much to people like Nimis and his kind, so much so that they dedicate their lives to take care of them and protect them. It is also important to my mother who unfortunately did not have the chance to be part of it. She took me there because she loved this place so much. She revealed on her face the deep passion she felt for these rare and protected creatures. And in the same way she passed on this passion to me. And since then, I have never doubted what I was going to do.

- What a wonderful conviction, my dear child!" exclaimed Jeel Vintry, moved.

- Yes, I thank you. I think so too," Ivy joked gently.

- That's something you and Kreiz have in common, for a start. These are very important things, believe me, it's the little things that count the most and form the basis of a relationship.

- What?" asked Ivy, stunned.

- I'm sorry. After Mom, my dear father is embarrassing you, Ivy. Don't worry, you'll get used to it soon enough. I hope so. ....

Kreiz wrapped his arms tenderly around her and looked at her mockingly. She returned his smile, deeply touched by the way he constantly guessed the things that seemed to torment her, whether they were small or huge. So he had also understood since then, in the rain, when they returned, that she had a terrible weight in her heart?

- But in fact, where is Roj? Ivy suddenly asked curiously. I haven't seen him for three days.

- Ah, his parents exclaimed in chorus, with mischievous and joyful expressions. We see that he hasn't told you yet. But our son is entirely, hopelessly, wrapped up in the mysterious and inextricable meanderings of love.

- Ah, exclaimed Ivy in turn. Don't tell me it's brunette. I mean Jennika, but that's what we all call her.

- Yes, exactly. They finally decided to date. Their first date was the day after you got back.

- They probably understood in perfect sync that life is short! And that they should make the most of it.

- Mom, come on," Kreiz exclaimed wryly. Neither of us was in danger of death!

- Perhaps, but your adventure of a few days caused a lot of commotion in your respective families.

- Yes, my love, we know that. But let's look at the positive side of things. It all ended very well. And what's more, it has caused some people to finally declare themselves!

- You see, there's really nothing to worry about. Ivy concluded in good humor. All's well that ends well.

- I hope it always does, and....

But Cleida Vintry didn't have time to finish her sentence, as a nurse knocked gently on the door before entering.

- Sorry to bother you, Mrs. Vintry. But there's a huge delivery just arrived for you.

Kreiz's mother raised her eyebrows in surprise.

- Really, and what is it?

- A huge blood bank, sent at high speed, for Miss Vintry's transfusion.

This was sensational news. Kreiz himself had told Ivy about his sister's health problems. And he added that they were all looking forward to the next few days to find the right blood that would cure young Vintry for good. But it seems that now that this long-awaited blood bank has finally arrived without any problems, no one, not even Lirane herself, whose recovery was now guaranteed, was showing any joy or relief. On the contrary, her enthusiasm even seemed to have been severely affected.

- Oh! was the only thing Cleida was able to say upon hearing the great news.

- Thank you, Miss," exclaimed Kreiz.

-You're welcome," replied the nurse, as surprised and curious as Ivy, before withdrawing just as quietly.

- It's wonderful! Now Lirane has nothing to worry about. She will surely recover within the month, or at the latest, the following month!

With her enthusiastic and forced words, Ivy tried desperately to lighten the mood. But something she couldn't grasp, something deep and very painful no doubt, having to do with the blood that had just arrived, seemed to have dampened the Vintry's joy.

"I wonder what that means," thought Ivy. Who sent this blood? Is there a connection to the trip of Kreiz to Vaegos? Now that she thought about it, for all the writer's passion for the creatures, she had sensed perfectly well that he hated the enchanted forest. And that if it had been up to him, he would never have set foot in it. But then, why did he go to such lengths to get there?

Ivy painfully swallowed her saliva as she forced herself to take her thoughts even further into the forbidden.

"Is there a close connection to Zion?"

Cleida was clearly the most affected. She wore a vague, pained expression.

Kreiz also remained silent and concerned. Then he straightened his head and made a determined gesture.

- It's good that the blood bank arrived. It was even quicker than expected considering who was asked, and where he was. Or at least he was supposed to be!

Cleida looked at her son for a moment and managed to smile.

- Yes, you're right, the blood bank came in smoothly. That's all that matters.

Displaying the same resolve as her son, she turned to the young Kaltan.

- Thank you for your words, young lady. I am also relieved and happy. My little girl has nothing more to worry about and will finally be able to resume her normal life.

- Yes! That's wonderful.