The Lazarus Phenomenon

While Zander's hand is on Tosh's head his system has sent something amazing into her and back to him.

"This pain… not…?" Labored speech coming out in Zander's voice. His eyes are wide open yet pure white as if he's been possessed.

"Mmmmm, this warming… is it really the end?" This voice is different in pitch and tone. Not exactly Tosh's normal voice but more of a mixture of Tosh and Kris. "Zander babe is that you holding me? If you want answers your looking in the wrong place." A LAUGH escapes.

Zander looks at Tosh. He can see in her brain, her memories are flying past him like a movie in fast forward. He's able to see her as a baby going all the way through her school life and then into college. Only she doesn't go in at the normal age of 20, she goes in at the age of 12. Next he's able to see her work on time travel and her interaction with Dr. Blacksoul. The last memory he sees is her looking at him, eyes wide open.