Sulfanilamide Blood

He jumps out of bed and rushed to the mirror. Looking in the mirror, he sees his normal face looking back at himself. He's topless and his new head spikes can be seen. He breaths a SIGH of relief. Looking over at the bed, Jessee is still asleep. He looks back at the mirror just to make sure and then walks out of the bedroom and into the workout room.

He mindlessly does his daily quests.

[Daily Quest Completed: +10 EXP, +5 stat points]

Once done with his daily quest, he sits down and looks at the mess of books. Nothing catches his fancy. He stands up and walks out of the room to go check on Tosh.

In Tosh's room she is laying in her bed tossing and turning. He walks over and takes a set of vitals. They come back good and strong. She stops moving and calms down. Her lips move but no sound comes out. He waits a moment to see if she's going to repeat herself. Nothing happens so he walks out of the room.