Fiendish Aspect, Gluttony a.k.a, Beelzebul

They come out on level 23.

Once more they are greeted with that heavy dredded feeling yet at the same time it is a feeling of merriment and excessive want.

They take a step forward and what is revealed in front of them is utterly ridiculous. Rows upon rows upon rows of the finest food money in any world could buy is laid out on the tables stacked ten feet high at least. 

On other tables there are rows upon rows of fine drinks of all kinds. Some are constantly flowing down a glass pyramid changing colors at each level. Some of the drinks look like they are carved out of glass sitting in big bowls. The taps look like they are made from diamonds and fine gemstones. The wine skins look brand new and of the highest quality money can afford.

Further down, every car that anyone can think of is in the room standing there with pristine paint jobs, shinny ass wheels, and not a speck of dust.