Fiendish Aspect, Greed a.k.a, Mammon

They appear on the 24 level.

Yet another room of pure wealth beyond what anyone could imagine. This time it is so bright in here that just a few light sources is enough to make one think that they are outside in the noon daylight. The walls are just covered in gold. Gold as far as they eye can see. Gold candle stands, with a golden shandler above head. Gold tiles line the floor with pure silk rugs. Gold chairs, gold weapons of different civilizations are displayed in glass cases along the walls, and gold picture frames that are empty of images yet filled with gold. There's golden statues of naked women weeping in different ways also along the walls. 

Zander takes a step forward and a weird shop appears before them on their left hand side. The sign read GOLD EXCHANGE EMPORIUM.

Jessee takes a step too, and a shop appears on their right hand side. This sign reads GOLDEN LIFE OR DEATH. 

They both hesitate before looking at each other.

A notice appears.