Welcome Aboard. Now keep up.

All three of them come out on level 25.

Zander falls to the floor in exhaustion with the female landing in the fetal position. 

Jessee stumbles and falls to her knees too. She crawls over to Zander and the other female. Upon getting closer to them both, she can see the females chest rise and fall in shallow, labored breathing. She immediately notices that the membrane sack under her breasts are filled with a fluid of sorts that is helping her breathe.

Jessee crawls closer to Zander before laying on his chest. 

After ten minutes, Zander comes to and sees Jessee laying on his chest. He runs his fingers through her hair gently waking her up. Zander is back at full health and reading the notifications for the first time since transporting back from the soul coin. 'Kris, let's put that +1 skill point into my Anti-Treament please'. 

[Anti-Treatment of Living Things Level 3]