Winston woke up. It was 4 in the afternoon. He had a very busy night with his last project. Sleeping only 2 hours during the last two days and he still barely made it to the deadline.
After washing up, he went to the kitchen for some snacks. There, he saw his father. Unlike every other day of the year, he had shaved his always messy face, looked completely sober and wore a clean black suit.
Winston turned his head to take a look at the big calendar on the wall. Seeing the date again, he froze. It was that day. His mother's anniversary.
Father looked at him with bitter eyes. Winston was somewhat relaxed, this was the only day of the day, father wouldn't attack him, neither verbally nor physically. At the same time, this was the very day of the year, he liked to avoid his father the most. Drunk father's curses and punches always stung, buy not as much as the look of disgust he had in his eyes at this moment.
Winston hesitated for a second, trying his best to avoid looking at his father. Then he decided. He went back to his room. Wearing the first things he saw in the room, he moved back to exit.
His father was right beside the door. He looked angry. Winston tried to walk pass him without a word. But his father didn't intend to let him. Blocking his son's way with his hand, he said. "So you intend to avoid her again? Do you have no conscious?" He didn't look at his son for even a mere glance. Winston didn't say anything. He just moved the hand out of his way and left.
He walked write towards the river. He intended to be alone and the building was the perfect place. He felt somewhat lucky. Just yesterday, he heard from the old guard about it. The owner had a bit of money problem and cancelled the project for now.
While climbing the stairs, he thought about things he knew he shouldn't. His father's drinking habit, his disgusted eyes today, his mom and her death 3 years ago.
Reaching the rooftop he felt broken. That day on right here, he tried to commit suicide just so he wouldn't experience this day again. Unconsciously he went to the edge looking down. This time he could see everything much better. Although he hadn't experienced it yet, he knew going down head first, it wouldn't hurt much. Thinking about it he suddenly realised. Today, he was completely ready.
He looked down again, lighting a smoke. It wasn't right to jump before having a last one. While smoking his cigarette, Winston suddenly thought of Mia and their promise. It wasn't that long ago. Only two days had passed. The very two days he had to work on that project nonstop.
Mia should be alright. Right back to her life after surviving a silly whimsical decision.she shouldn't be mad if he went first.
He put aside all these thoughts about the girl. He was ready now. He didn't want to go back home. Especially not today, that his father was completely sober.
Right at the moment he decided he would do it, his phone rang. Sighing, he picked up the phone. It was Mia. "Hi Win. Wanna hang out?" She said.
Hearing her voice, he stepped back. After a long pause while moving to a place to sit, he answered. "Sure. I'm on top of the building now. You know which one."
"Surely i don't. Do you know how many buildings we've been on top of together?" Mia answered sarcastically while giggling. Then continued. "I'm actually nearby. Wait right there." and hung up.
About five minutes later, she reached the rooftop. She saw Winston looking somewhat gloomy. "Hi there, my dear partner." She glanced over at the edge and continued. "So before we start, why where you trying to act against our deal?"
Winston was shocked and let that show on his face. How did she know? Seeing his reaction she frowned deeply. "You seriously were about to jump? Oh my god, i can't believe you." she said. Then pointing her finger threateningly, she continued. "How could you? I trusted you. We have to die together, dude."
Winston had no excuse. He was about to do that, even though he had the promise right on his mind. He sighed. "I'm sorry. Had a rough day."
Mia studied him thoroughly. She seemed to understand his sincerity. Yet she stayed angry. "Do you really think that'd do? I'm sorry?" She then turned back, looking away towards the river. "Buy me food. I came straight here after school. I'm hungry."
"Sure." winston said getting up. His mood was better now. Talking to her, eased his mind.
Walking towards the stair, Mia continued. "And of course while eating, you gotta tell me what's up. No details left out." She looked back at him grinning.
Winston felt somewhat awkward. This topic was something he hadn't talked about it to anyone. Him being always depressed and not talking about it, was the very reason he had no friends now. He hesitated for a few moments, but then nodded his head. "Sure."
He felt like if it was her, he could gather the courage to talk about it. Even if she was a complete stranger, he knew nothing about her life.