Chapter 2

"Please miss you must push a little more"

"just a little more I see the head"

Loud cries filled the room as new life was born into the world well not necessarily new as samuel had just reincarnated "nurse show me my baby" said a the blonde haired who is presumably samuel's mother the nurse a bit hesitant still compiled and handed samuel over

'so she's my new mom? aren't I supposed get that warm feeling or sum I don't feel warm kinda cold hon- AHHH a loud shrek resounded across the white room 'shit it's cause my eyes isn't it' the scream originator Samuels mother shrieked "THAT IS NOT MY BABY GET HIM AWAY FROM ME" the nurses quickly took samuel back from his mother who at this point was hysterical and sobbing a dark haired man had burst through the door as all this happened

'he's my dad isn't he fu- in the end both mother and father had decided to put samuel in a orphanage because he had blue eyes and white hair don't ask me if babies have hair I don't know

the doctors tried to convince them to take him back though it was futile samuel was fine with this as he didn't have to explain to people why he grew so fast or hide hes training as much


6 years later

For samuel the past 6 years have been uneventful he was now regarded as a genius it wasn't surprising he was an adult in his previous he "learned" to crawl at 6 mouths learned to babel at a year old learned to walk 2 months later learned to run a month later learned how to read and write at 2 years old for the past 4 years all samuel has been doing is training and slowly adapting too bad he couldn't get an actual martial arts instructor

It was also odd because samuel was never adopted even though he was highly regarded by everyone there be it his hair or eyes samuel doesn't know nor does he care

today was his 7th birthday it was nothing special to samuel he just had to wait till he turns 8 and he would run away from here or get adopted but from how things are going that is highly unlikely he had heard some old dude with 2 kids came here to adopt someone he immediately lost interest for he had found sweets

Where? well he didn't know but he could smell them and they were not too far away over the years samuel had developed a bit of a sweet tooth to the point where some of the kids nicknamed him to the "sweets snatcher" he even developed a smell that can smell sweets and today he had gotten a big one

'just a little bit more I'm so close this hallway to the left the sign area? weird anyways sweets here I come' samuel nimbly opened the door and quietly sneaked in though has soon as he did he froze because their were 3 other people on the other side of the door locked on to him a short old dude 'he looks like a dojo instructor' samuel noted 'what's he doing here' a black haired teen 'again he feels familiar' a fat middle aged dude 'he ate my sweets that one time'

the middle aged dude looked surprised all of them did actually "samuel what are you doing here?" the middle aged dude asked samuel well more like a command "I came in here cause I smelt sweets that old dude has them and I want them" the black haired teen thought this scene amusing figured by him smirking

The old dude was amused and surprised "say what's your name"

"names samuel now gimme the sweets" I replied briskly my sweet tooth is acting up again "samuel please be more respectful to people will you" I looked over at the middle aged dude and just nodded adding "Uh-huh now you got them sweets or nah"? I felt a tap on my shoulder as I looked up I saw the black haired kid smiling with his hands out and in those hands he had the sweets 'I could almost cry' I snatched them from his hand afraid he was teasing put one in 'so good ah I could die like this' samuel expression right now would be that of a kitten getting it's favorite treat "my name is Shinichiro sano it nice to meet you" samuel's eyes widened when he realized who these people were the sano family



Writer-San note ~

write-San are played by different people just so people don't think I'm in a mental hospital