Chapter 4

cold foggy morning the sun was blocked by fog eclipsing the world in darkness

Loud shouts rang out in a small dojo it was like a beacon




Fists repeatedly smashed into a small wooden dummy each more devastating than the last


A loud crash resounded through the dojo as the protagonist lashed out with a devastating kick to the pitiful dummy it's head was cleanly blown off it's body

"Damn...mikey you might have some competition" Shinichiro winced as samuel kicked the dummy once more breaking it's torso this time

orginally Shinichiro had thought he could act like a cool big brother to samuel and teach him martial arts and show off but just after day he had long surpassed him 'comparing oneself to others truly does cause frustration'

Shinichiro felt like crying with no tears 'why must I have two monsters as brothers their 7 for God's sake' while Shinichiro was drawing circles in the corner mikey and grandpa sano were grinning from ear to ear

Mikey had always wanted a challenge but nobody could ever compete with him in talent ever Shinichiro he couldn't even fight he had some hope that samuel might be strong but he never expected this samuel was even more terrifying than him

Grandpa sano took a sideways glance at Manjiro and than at samuel 'two damn monsters'

the center of all this samuel was disappointed with this result Ofcourse if Shinichiro were to hear this he would probably choke him to death samuel wanted to destroy a block of wood instantly he had wished for the strength of both a bear and gorilla he expected a little more 'Maybe when I grow older I'll get stronger but for now I'll have to train that bastard kisaki and the time hopper can't just be beat with brute strength'

samuel picked up a bottle of water taking a sip being lost in his thoughts he didn't notice grandpa Sano's excitment 'I'll need a team' he took a glance at Manjiro and Shinichiro 'the black dragons and Toman would be a perfect opportunity to find the time hopper...but even in the future takamitchi hadn't found the time hopper yet I'll also need to get in contact with much work so little time dam-

Samuel was broken out his thoughts by grandpa sano slapping his back "Ho ho good work samuel you truly are a prodigy Shinichiro you should learn something from him"


"Geez Shinichiro are youuuuuuuuuuuuuu jjjjjjjjealoussssssssss" manjiro stretched out the words to rub more salt on the wound with a cat like look in his eyes

Samuel chuckled as Shinichiro had started to fake sob


"Sob* you guys sob* are so mean sob*"

all four of them instantly burst out chuckling "enough with the jokes Shinichiro manjiro both of you please leave I would like to tall to samuel alone"

""hai hai"" both Shinichiro and manjiro had a gloating look in their eyes they had assumed he had gotten in trouble

thud* as the door closed samuel gave grandpa sano a raised eyebrow silently asking 'what's up'

"Samuel I have something very important to ask you" grandpa purposely stretched out the sentence to add more tension

Samuel was slowly getting nervous but didn't let it show

"Wouldyouliketoacceptthesanosurname" Grandpa quickly said those words as if he was nervous about the answer

"Huh sorry grandpa I didn't hear clearly enough" Grandpa sano took a deep breath and said "Would you be willing to accept the sano surname and officially become a sano?"

"Oooh yeah sure" samuel replied casually


"Yeah sure I'll accept the sano surname"

"That's it? Yeah sure no hesitation or anything"

"Why would I hesitate you guys her closer to me than my real family so I don't see why hesitation is needed" he had replied with a mature voice as if he wasn't 7 samuel shrugged his shoulders

Grandpa sano just smiled and patted his head "Alright than I officially welcome you into the sano family

Samuel sano"


Author-San here~ sorry for the short chapter I was thinking of another novel I should re write it had a interesting idea but the translation sucked I was hoping to re write it