In a small dojo a song was sung
A special occasion had come for samuel had just turned 8
""Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday to You
Happy Birthday Dear Samuel
Happy Birthday to You.
From good friends and true,
From old friends and new,
May good luck go with you,
And happiness too.""
Grandpa Manjiro and Shinichiro sung for today was samuel's 8th birthday
Samuel was seen standing in front of a large vanilla cake it wasn't anything special just a normal birthday cake with 8 candles each representing a year of samuel's life, it was awkward for samuel he never really celebrated his birthday he didn't have many people to celebrate it with, in his past life he wasn't popular to be exact and mostly thought a birthday party as a annoyance.
He had decided to do the same this life but Shinichiro wouldn't have it nor grandpa, Both insisted on him having a birthday cake he couldn't do anything as they bought the cake candles and gifts for him, it would be rude to decline now that he had seen their sincerity.
so here he was with a red face holding a knife
waiting for the song to finish so he could cut the cake and get this over with.
"Happy birthday to you dear samuel"
the small knife instantly cut the cake just as the last word had been pronounced 'finally this is over' he didn't want to feel ungrateful but this was incredibly embarrassing for him
Samuel's hands moved incredibly fast as he cut up the cake in 8 medium sized pieces, taking two for himself what? He was addicted to sweets.
Manjiro instantly ran over taking 2 pieces for himself as well, over the year it had seem samuel's sweet tooth had affected him aswell Shinichiro hated sweets so he just left it for manjiro and samuel.
"You three I have an important announcement today we will be adding another member to our family her name is Emma she'll arrive here in a hour she'll be your youngest sibling from now on" Shinichiro and manjiro were surprised while they didn't object to it, it wasn't something they were expecting
Samuel was too busy eating sweets to look surprised 'Canon is slowly getting closer' he took a glance at Shinichiro 'big bros death is also getting closer' he wouldn't let it happen like canon no matter what it didn't matter who died to him, only he's family mattered.
"Emma? What kinda lame name is that" Manjiro rolled his eyes before he could continue talking Shinichiro smacked him over the head "OI samuel also has a foreign name idiot" manjiro rolled his eyes again but kept quiet.
"Bah both of you be respectful and polite to her when she comes here if you don't I'll kick both of you out- there was a loud knock cutting grandpa off "oh that must be her Shinichiro and manjiro both of you bring her in and welcome her" it was Shinichiro's turn to roll his eyes grumbling, he still went with manjiro to get the door
"You are?" manjiro said in a clumsy tone
"What kinda greeting is that" a small blond girl said annoyed "my name is Emma you are?"
"My name is Shinichiro the brat over there is manjiro I'll introduce you samuel and grandpa when you get in nice to meet you" Shinichiro smiled trying his hardest to be friendly without showing annoyance at manjiro for being rude "My name is have a weird name" Smack* a tick mark appeared on Shinichiro face "I'm sorry for the brat if you will Emma ignore him"
"I KNOW how about this since you have a foreign name I'll also have one hmmm, how about my name will be Mikey...yeah mikey sounds cool" Shinichiro just face palmed
"fine "mikey" let's just go and meet grandpa and samuel"
"Samuel? Is he also a foreigner like me?"
"Nah samuel is Japanese though he has weird features" mikey said stuffing himself with cake
"didn't you say you wanted to dye your hair white so you would look cool"
"N-no I didn't your lying" Blushing mikey moved faster and finally reached samuel and grandpa
"What took you guys so long" Samuel asked with a raised eyebrow "Shinichiro delayed because he was being rude to Emma"
"Emma step forward" Shinichiro beckoned emma who was peeking from behind the door to introduce herself
"H-hello my name is E-Emma nice to meet you" a short blond girl steeped forward she had big yellow eyes and was quite cute
Samuel gave her a small wave and giving her a small smile he said "My name samuel your new big brother I'm sure they both introduced themselves to you but the blond brat over there is manjiro-
"my new name is mikey"
Samuel rolled his eyes "the blond brat over there is "mikey" that's big bro Shinichiro and that's old man grandpa welcome to the sano family"
Author-San ~ note
~ I'm sorry for only one chapter today school is starting for me tomorrow so both of us had to get new outfits and stuff daily chapters should be about 2-5 chapters