Shinichiro sano my name was such, I was born in the sano dojo, my grandpa always took care of me, my parents were never in my life they passed before I had even turned 5
my first word was "fight" ironic is it not? I was always physically weak but my "charisma" was what made me successful in life, At 8 years old we had adopted my little brother mikey who was 3 at the time.
I never had a family other than grandpa, but even then he was old I couldn't relate to him nor any of the students in the dojo, Manjiro at the time was my only family, he was a monster a prodigy you could say but even than he was even clumsier than me, I related to him because I knew what it felt like to be surrounded by people but still feel alone.
Yes he was a prodigy a genius and many people would like to be friends with him, but nobody would understand his position, I can't understand it either but because I can't understand it, I try my hardest to make him feel at home.
At the time when I was 10 grandpa had wanted another brother for me and Manjiro, saying he wanted to find someone as skilled as manjiro so he would have a challenge, I thought it was a dumb idea for manjiro was too monstrous, seriously he could dislodge a car door at the age of 5, there was no way someone could match him.
I was still excited for I had no objection to another little brother, Grandpa had brought us to a orphanage By the name of Saints orphanage I didn't expect much.
And turned out I was right, most of the kids there didn't fit the criteria for a dojo, expect for one white haired boy, as we were about to leave the door creaked open, a white blue dashed in and stole the sweets on the counter I was at first amused by the boys obsession with sweets but than shocked, years of living in a dojo I could pick up on even the tiniest of details, and Samuel the white haired kid didn't make even a ounce of noise as he walked, it was as if he wasn't even there and by grandpa's expression he noticed it too.
Grandpa had decided to adopt him at the time taking him as a student, at the time I still didn't think he could rival Manjiro I was right...he didn't rival manjiro he absolutely defeated him.
As I grew up along with Samuel I grew closer and closer to him, he had a special way to make people attracted to him, it was the first time in my life had I been attracted to someone else's charisma.
At the age of 13 we had officially adopted another one into our small family, she wasn't talented, just that, she was our sister I always wanted one so I instantly grew closer to her.
It was mostly me who did the cooking in our family grandpa hated cooking, Manjiro would rather die than cook, and Samuel was too busy training to care about cooking, so over the years I became a housewife and learned all the techniques in cooking, Emma was also interested in cooking like me so I taught her all I know.
She was talented in cooking having beaten me instantly, chuckling to myself I didn't know what to think about my family anymore, Samuel was a genius, Mikey was a monster, and Emma was another genius, so what was I?
I asked that same question to myself so many times, I had asked myself that, never to anyone else, only one person was asked that question other than myself, that being Samuel my little brother he told me "you're the glue which holds us together" at the time I was confused, what did he mean I wondered.
I never thought myself as important all I had to do was take care of my little family and earn some money along the way but now I wondered what role I played.
(orginally Shinichiro was 23 and was 10 years older than mikey however it wouldn't make sense for my story so I changed it izana was also 3 years older than mikey but now his only one year older than him here Shinichiro is 5 years older than mikey and 4 years older then izana and 3 years older than Samuel and it's a fanfic so )