Prelude #2

"The righteous sects would signify order, yet remain indifferent to the village that was destroyed by the blood sects actions. The blood sect which would signify chaos on one side the girls worst enemy, on the other who gave her freedom and strength for her revenge. Its hard for any person to have faith in any of them truly in order to get revenge so the girl kept safe the flickering fire of life she had left to go on living despite being saved by the enemy of her life." The old lady shook her head while laughing not knowing whether she was laughing at her own misfortune or the strange fate she had tied to this place.

"Then what happened to masters saviour?" The attendant looked quite concerned.

"Of course she was hunted down by the righteous sects in the name of slaying evil. Slaying evil….. how funny. A powerless village is slaughtered and they show indifference and yet once a noble family is touched they can't wait to show off their strength to set an example. Hypocrisy of the world was quickly shown to the young girl… she had no choice but to accept her new role. She took on a new name, hid her face which was already ruined from her in humane torture and joined the blood sect on a road of wickedness and revenge after killing numerous people in order to quickly increase her strength." A look of loss was in her eyes mentioning this. "When someone walks on the path of revenge they should be ready to prepare their own resting place. She made many enemies in the process of her growth, took part in many wars and gained some trusted followers and friends. Yet she had already sacrificed so much of herself and others to step back. Already so old and tired she finally found a chance after many years of trust and dedication. She poisoned the sect leader of blood sect taking over completely while removing those who aren't loyal or a further danger."

"Now this old woman has no goal in life nor the will to go on….nor the strength to achieve anything further than this final resistance." She lay listlessly on the throne as if she truly had no more strength to live on.

The sounds of fighting had stopped not long ago, showing signs of the enemy claiming victory and making their way into the sect.

Screams and panicked voices began one after another "aaah…" "ack" "ugh"

Some voices filled with grief and others with rage. "Bitch just wait! We will take your corpse and hang it for all to see. Your evil reign will soon be over and finally so many can be at ease."

A smirk appeared on the old lady's face beneath her mask. "It seems they triggered the traps, there should be many dying of poison now. I really do have to thank the eastern poison clan. By the way how did the eastern root plan go?"

"Everyone talented or young have been hidden and they have been given their inheritances so it is expected that one day the gu(witch/voodoo) clan, poison clan, blood totem clan and the beast totem clan will one day have a chance to reappear in the world." The attendant spoke with a voice filled with joy. Showing how grateful he was towards the old lady for arranging this before her death, the firmer his heart was to use his life to give the master even a couple more final breathes of life before her fateful departure.

"Good…." She spoke before a dull clapping noise began nearby.

An old man appeared in the hall, his eyes filled with madness that flickered with a red light.

He carried two metal axes with that were the size of small hatchets used by hunters and log cutters in his hands as he walked into the hall casually as if everything about to happen was trivial. "Touching story kid… to think this sects demise was because of the survivor of the Bombyx family. You sure worked hard."

The old lady spoke as if she had expected him to come. "Let me guess secret passage right?"

"Hehehe young miss you sure are calm. Of course the sect leader had you as his right hand sorting out all the information groups throughout the continent so while you know so much about the outside world… hehe. Well let's just say the left hand was in charge of discipline and interrogation within the sect. I know all of its secrets so of course the sect leader would trust me with the secret passage." The old man grinned.

The old lady nodded nonchalantly. "We did indeed but at least I was given the opportunity to get close enough to kill him. When I took charge of the sect and began the cleansing you were probably the first to flee…. So why are you here now?"

The old man paced around as if suppressing something and gloomily spoke. "Still as dull as ever. Sigh you were much more cute as a child, now you are so difficult to deal with. I will forgive you for betraying the sect leader so just hand over the masters blood Buddha art then I will leave. Who knows I might even give you the location of the secret passage."

The old lady shook her head with a sigh. "Still as greedy and cowardly as ever, let me guess that you leaked the sects headquarters to the imperials and the sects to have them band together to give you this opportunity for a chance to bargain. Sorry to say it's already been burnt, anything that has the blood arts has been destroyed but do not worry…. You couldn't use it anyways. It requires practicing from a young age and a healthy body which has not yet trained for a long time in a specific martial art. Even if you did have your youth you'd have to abolish your martial arts(ki/Qi)."

Rage filled the old mans face as he almost coughed up blood in anger. "You… I don't believe you. I guess I will have to just chop off your limbs and force it out of you."

As the old man walked over with his axes ready to strike, the old lady spoke. "Finish it."

"Farewell my master." The attendant spoke softly filled with sadness.

The attendant quickly ran towards the axe wielding old man as if throwing his life away.

The old man smirked upon seeing this, relaxing his guard slightly.

Although experienced and cautious he would not usually let down his guard against anyone but what faced him now was a mere low ranked attendant of the fake sect leader, especially when they came towards him recklessly and unarmed.

As the attendant got closer the old lady finally spoke. "Begin the test."