Inheritance and Wealth

Ki looked down the steps, taking her lit candle she walked into the door after removing the key from its hole.

Arriving inside she found several lantern candle holders made by glass and metal on the wall, each time she walked down the steps she would open each lantern, use her candle to light the candles inside before closing the lanterns illuminating her path.

Seeing there was sufficient light she placed the key into another key hold and turned it until she heard a click, the mechanisms began to work once more closing the secret entrance behind her.

Continuing this series of actions Ki found herself downstairs as the light of the lanterns showed her where to go.

Finally arriving in the underground chambers she caught sight of several doors leading to different rooms.

One door had 'Silkworm' written on it while the others had the words 'Records', 'Treasury', 'Silk Storage' and 'Inheritance'.

Making up her mind Ki opened the inheritance door first and entered.

Long lines of various books and scrolls were lined up on shelves which had been well maintained, Ki quickly noticed a book placed on a desk in the middle of the room.

After taking look at the cover of the book Ki smiled. "Silkworm inheritance."

Ki began to read through every page taking in the knowledge she needed, eventually an hour had passed upon skimming through the important parts of the book.

Silkworm breeding, silkworm raising, silkworm home environment maintenance required, silk moth evolution, estimated lifespans.

A long list of detailed information from the founder of the research to continued research by each family head until the present day.

A long line of progression throughout the many years of researching and perfecting their own specialty.

Ki could not help but admire the families dedication and persistence but while she would take up these duties along with her grandmother she in fact had another goal coming here.

Ki spent some time searching several books which contained basic knowledge of various skills to learn for example horse riding, archery, hunting, black smithing, medicine and poison and various martial art books or scrolls.

As an old merchant family her ancestors made it their duty to spend their spare money on useful items which could prove useful to the family in the future so whether they came across martial arts booklets, books about different professions or general knowledge about the world they collected them even if they could not put them to use themselves.

Collecting two scrolls containing each of basic palm and fist techniques and a booklet on herbs, Ki left the room after putting out the fire in the lanterns. "These should come in useful later and provide me a cover so that I do not need to practice martial arts too secretly in the future."

Although Ki did practice outside one time during the day she had been vigilant the whole time in case she got caught and questioned where she learnt the movements but now she had a good way to explain now.

She could even suggest to the family to practice the various movements and forms to help to improve their fitness and health quality.

In truth she wanted to provide the family a means to defend themselves rather than relying on others but she knew her mother, father and grandmother had long passed the golden age to start practicing martial arts so their future achievements would not surpass third or second class martial artist if they practiced seriously for the rest of their lifetime.

Ki wanted them to at least be able to protect themselves against ordinary people, thugs or bandits while she was not there to protect them in the future so while she can help them improve themselves there were also options of raising loyal subordinates.

Heading to the treasure room Ki looked around and stared at the entire room full of various cauldrons, tools, weapons, jade boxes containing herbs and many boxes filled with gold, silver and copper coins were orderly hung on the walls, placed on the ground by the wall or on a shelf. "Sure enough, we are secretly rich but acting low-key all this time. Though it's reasonable since if word got out about this then several groups would do their very best in order to remove our family and steal our wealth. Possibly that would be the reason for the blood sects arrival in the village in my past life or it could just be coincidental but as far as I am aware they never successfully found the family wealth so nobody noticed this place."

In her past life if they did succeed in acquiring her families inheritance she would of made them suffer far more than she did previously, they got lucky with just a quick death and a poisoned sect leader for what they did to her and her family.

Picking up a sturdy looking small metal medicine cauldron and a few herb grinding/mixing tools and small bowls she placed them into the cauldron ready to take them out of the room.

Quickly taking a few glances at the weapons and herbs her eyes settled on a small metal carving knife which suited her small hands and was made from good quality metal materials. "This suits my needs and will not break easily so it can accompany me until I can move onto sword training."

Ki finally took a couple or grinding stones, four small ball shaped pieces of metal, set of thin acupuncture medicinal needles and a set of 10 thin metal needles suited mainly to be used in hidden assassination throwing techniques.

Getting everything she needed she came back to the main room carrying a cauldron full of materials, tools, scrolls, a small book and an extinguished candle.

Realising her hands were already quite full and having difficulty carrying everything at once she walked up the stairs to place everything by the entrance.

Coming back to light her candle once more she headed into the silkworm room.