The scholars journey

Isaac Dante, born from a wandering mercenary and a baker.

His father disappeared earlier in his life leaving behind him and his mother, his mother worked hard to raise him alone while being the one to earn money.

Growing up from a poor environment but with a hardworking mother his views were shaped to favour the common population instead of the nobility.

After all the nobility never helped to improve their territory or make the living situations better for the common people.

All they cared about was maintaining their position of authority, keeping face and rising higher.

He grew up learning the harsh reality that he was different from most people in his background, he was incredibly smart and perceptive which led him to learn more about the world at an early age.

When he reached the appropriate age his mother saved enough money to send him to a school related to the capital, if he did well then he could work within the law department, records department, war strategy, territory management or somewhere else and then rise the ranks.

There were people who had better resources from birth so he had to work extra hard even with his genius mind, those who were ahead were complacent and arrogant while he remained humble.

Slowly he absorbed all the knowledge he could that was available to him, during his time to graduate he received news of his mother's passing away.

His mother overworked to pay for him to continue his studies but her body had long been worn out after years of raising her son alone, hearing her son had been able to take his graduation exams early she finally stopped her struggling to hold on and quietly passed away.

In a way it was her way of sending her son off to a better life while also removing herself as a weakness to be used against her son, she did not wish to become a hindrance to her sons future.

A few years passed and he finally made his debut in the capital and started making a name for himself as a rising star, one with the potential to be one of the 8 stars within the central lands occupied by the martial alliance by working in the main government and achieving many contributions.

Within the martial alliance there is a ranking for martial artists for their known overall strength for example top 100 or top 10 ranking within the world etc.

There is also the 8 rising stars who are recognised as rising young leaders within their respective fields between the age groups of 20's and 30's.

Those given the rising star nickname shows their significant influence within the capital, typically there are usually 5 males which are referred to the dragon stars while the 3 females are referred to as the Phoenix stars, in most cases they would be referred to as 'Dragon Star' followed by their nickname from their reputation earned and then their name, once given the name they carry the weight attached to it.

The 3 Phoenix stars are normally considered by the public as a nominal position since they are mainly added because of their beauty or their clans influence so are not as taken seriously as the rising dragon stars, there may be a female who is nominated because of their own strength or talents but their efforts and talents aren't well recognised by the public as the rising dragon stars because of the bad past public viewpoint on the ranking system.

These eight people are believed to be the elite of the elites out of the young prodigies who are known for their most exceptional clan, martial arts skills, intelligence, beauty, special talents etc.

The unorthodox alliance and devil sects have their own similar system to recognise their most talented people and nurture their talent and reputation for example the 5 evils of the unorthodox sect, the 3 young devils of the demonic faction.

The blood sect did not publicise their talents to avoid their talents being known to the public and slowly nurtured them from the public eye.

A medium sized clan quickly noticed that he had potential thanks to their daughter who studied at the same school as him who had pestering her father for marriage.

Isaac refused the marriage offer of the noble family simply because they wished to use their influence to force the marriage to go ahead and did not respect him because of his background.

They wished to make him work to raise their own name and status within the capital while still looking down upon his origins, once his uses were gone they may even try to cancel the marriage since their daughter wasn't one of their favoured children.

After the refusal many rumours began to spread damaging his reputation that he is a pervert and has harmed many women.

Under the pressure he expected the next step to be a statement that he had even harmed the noble families daughter so he must make up for his sins and take responsibility for her.

The moment he fell for the trap his reputation would still be ruined and he would be tied to that shameless family who would only take advantage of him.

Isaac thought of a way to solve the problem so that he could escape from the problem and slowly disappear from everyone's thoughts.

Once everyone forgot about him he could return and then try to gain a stronger position for himself.

The next day under the pressure of the public he broke down and went crazy, he began talking nonsense and copying the words that the crowds had previously mocked him as.

The noble family could not be seen forcing a crazy person without a future to marry their daughter so abandoned their plans.

The act continued as Isaac travelled to the northeastern parts of the central lands to quietly wait out his time to make his comeback and study some more.

He picked up information and earned money to make a living while laying low until one day he received guests at his doorstep with a pile of information gathered on him and an invitation.

Surprised someone had discovered him and wished to recruit him his curiosity grew so took rode a merchants wagon towards the village specified on the information given.

Isaac investigated the conditions of the people after getting to know some of them and gradually integrating with them.

There he learned that they all worked hard for a living but a merchant carriage would arrive with goods to buy or trade while purchasing the villagers goods that they have grown which would then be transported to the city.

The more he learned of the way the people could make a living for themselves without a crushing influence on them and live in safety for so long was surprising considering some leaders or lords tend to be all about taking taxes and enforcing their influence.

The Bombyx family rarely enforces their presence on the village but would punish those who did not pay the rent for building houses and farms within their land, in fact they had been lenient with the villagers only until recently resulting in some families being removed from the village.

Isaac Dante sat inside a small wooden shack that he payed a villager to make use of sipping a cup of tea, a month had already passed and he had been enjoying his time hiding out within the village as it provided him a calm environment to study and investigate further.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, when he opened it he stared dumbfounded at the young girl before him who looked to be around 7 or 8 years old.

His eyes passed upon her petite body neatly dressed in a powder blue silk long sleeved dress, pale white skin, light brown curly long hair which fell down freely, clear and smart looking blue grey eyes and cute facial features which are paired up with a mysterious looking beauty mark under her right eyelid which further enhanced her beauty.

What dumbfounded Isaac was not the young girls beauty or unique aura but the words she mouthed silently upon seeing him. 'I found you Isaac.'