Spoiling Disciples

Ki spent the day teaching her little disciples on how to manage their new abilities and gifted Evie a jar of Gu worms to use on her subordinates. "Out of some of the slaves or workers that decided to stay on the land and handle certain tasks like raising crops, livestock, herbs or those who you let handle more difficult tasks like keeping logs of the families treasury and nurturing or collecting rare treasures I need you to put one worm inside their food in secret. Let them know that if they leak private information outside which could potentially put us in danger then you will have to kill them with what they have consumed."

Evie looked a little confused so she asked. "So just one for each person and what about how to use it?"

Ki nodded before explaining. "Once the Gu enter someone's body you will be able to sense them connected to your Gu through your contract so all you need to do is give an order to activate the Gu in the persons body. Do not use this ability unless they have done something punishable by death like betrayal, breaking the rules of the village, stealing or leaking of our families information and try to run away or resist capture. If they don't resist then we can get information out of them and determine their guilt based on evidence but if they run then the risk of them causing more problems then it is better to use it."

"So I don't need to do anything with it unless they are being bad or run…" Evie nodded.

'At least young kids around this age are quick to pick up and learn things.' Ki nodded. "Pretty much yes."

Ki examined both of their bodies and nodded. 'During this time of practice they have indeed built up their strength a little and improved their physical condition.'

Ki began to teach Leon and Evie the next stage of their training. "Evie today I will pass down the Extreme Noxious Qi Art to you so you can learn it slowly, Leon you will learn the Nameless Sword Qi Art. Although there isn't any big changes with your body like Evie, your Qi is more towards metal in nature so is tough and sharp. This will help when you learn to envelop your Qi onto your weapon in the future which will increase your attacks lethality."

Both of the disciples nodded upon receiving their books and Ki began to teach them step by step.

In the past when she acquired the Generation Qi Art she had also obtained the Nameless Sword Qi Art but did not find anyone to pass it onto.

The master of the tomb was originally a martial artist who was known for his sword abilities within the world, his primary dantain used a metal Qi art and the secondary an earth Qi art.

Unfortunately Ki only was able to obtain the generation Qi art and the nameless sword Qi art from his possessions during the tomb exploration while others got the rest.

Even during that exploration she struggled to stay alive and would of abandoned them had she been placed in a desperate enough situation.

In the end after struggling to survive she checked the books but they weren't useful to her but now they were, she could use the generation Qi art while her brother can make use of the nameless sword Qi art.

Now she could give it to her brother to make use of and begin to teach him swordsmanship with a wooden sword.

Ki went back to her research room and came back with three wooden weapons, two of them were double bladed daggers suitable for Evie's small body while the sword was a smaller version of a great sword.

The sword and daggers were made according to Leon's and Evie's measurements and the length of the blade went from the ground up to his waist while the handle continued up to his shoulders.

While Evie's daggers were light, the wooden sword had been built so that it was able to be held in one hand by him but not swung using one hand.

The sword had a long handle that made it easier to hold and control the longer and heavier blade with both hands.

These were Ki's decisions made after watching their growth and seeing their future specialties.

Evie was more suited to using her poison arts, palm arts and throwing weapons so if she had to use a weapon in the future she would best suit a lighter weapon like a set of daggers especially since Evie had been training her hands to better control small weapons.

Leon was learning sword Qi arts, fist arts and he needed to make the most of his bodies power so he was best suited to use a great sword and slowly increase the weight of the blade as he is able to wield it with ease. [1]

Ki demonstrated a quick form using the sword to cut downward and stopping before it reached the ground and then lifted it up to repeat, then handed it to Leon. "Keep practicing this sword swing for now, keep your back straight and feet apart slightly. Once you become tired or your arms start to hurt then stop swinging."

"Just like how you control the metal marbles in your hands as they rotate in a circle you need to practice your control over small blades." Ki demonstrated switching the grip of her daggers facing up to down and then back. "Either you rotate the blade up or down while holding the bottom of the hilt to switch your grip or you can bring your three fingers forward on the inner part of the hilt and then close the grip to turn the blade upwards or place the index finger on the inner part of the hilt to do the same to flip of the blade to face downwards. Practice both styles to figure out which best suits you." [2]

She then slashed downwards with both blades and then switched the blades so her thumbs still were upward but the blades were pointed at the floor then slashed upwards before returning to the original position to repeat. "You can continue these moves to gain more control over your blades while practicing slashing and stabbing movements. This can also be used for guarding against attacks or switching your blades position to make an unpredictable strike."

Ki left her students to practice alone and slowly digest their new knowledge. 'I sure do spoil them.'

[1] https://youtu.be/cpoRtvKv9q4

[2] https://youtu.be/sFWHS5UIUhI