Found her

The Nix and Seren families began to discuss their terms of cooperation, the Nix family began to invest their money into Ki's business and discussed the plan to expand into other territories and which traders would be best to work with within those areas for purchasing fresh cooking materials and other things for a regular supply for the restaurant businesses and the tea pavilion.

The Seren family began to discuss further about their family gaining extra support to raise more guards and buy more carriages in exchange for their services in transporting goods regularly for the Bombyx families businesses, they even got a chance to transport traders of the silk to sell some batches to the capital regularly.

They also began to transport clothing that Elizabeth had began to sell in her newly opened shop in Wolfden city, since the clothing was becoming popular Agnes suggesting selling smaller portions to different places to let others get familiar with the products before opening a store in their city.

Not only did this help to promote their products more but it also helped get an idea which places needed her clothing the most so the family could set up a store there first.

The city lord of Wolfden city listened to his wife's words in silence before contemplating. 'They are not encroaching onto my city and just setting up their business here so they are no threat to my position. If anything they are helping the city by creating new opportunities for jobs and helping increase the flow of money throughout the city. In recent years we have fell on hard times and things keep getting worse. The gangs keep rising up stronger than before so they cannot be controlled and the nobles have been getting into trouble a lot recently too. Even my son is showing increasingly problematic behaviours and actions, if this continues it won't be long before the city is completely taken over by thugs and becomes a lawless zone.'

Although the city lord was no angel he at least had his responsibilities and things he had to protect.

Sadly his son had become corrupted and was constantly mixing with the wrong people.

Not only that but he had been using his fathers name to do various things like purchasing slaves to play with or to do chores around the home.

The city lord overlooked it at first but after the incident with the western girl involving his sons wife he decided to send the girl back to where she was bought to avoid anymore problems in the family.

This didn't stop anything though, his son didn't repent and continued his actions and his wife only grew worse in her retaliation against him.

In the recent months many young girls or woman had been cut up or killed by his sons wife.

As time went on and his position became more unstable because of the unrest within the city, this increased his work load so that he could not focus on his family matters anymore.

In Ki's previous life the city lord and his whole family were killed to free the remaining living slaves and to get revenge for the many deaths caused by his son and daughter in law along with the many nobles actions within the city.

Little did he know that if he focussed more on his sons actions instead of work and was more hard on his family for their actions then they might not have turned out that way.

Neglect led to his sons wanting to be loved by others, many others were willing to give him love because of his position and so he was corrupted so easily at a young age, still as someone used to receiving from others but not giving back he did not treat his wife respectfully or with love he expected from others and constantly brought shame and anger to her.

The family became twisted in time and now there was no saving them.

Within the central lands and especially in the capital city slavery was frowned upon as they used their own systems to enforce the laws.

Those guilty of breaking the martial alliances rules would be placed in a jail, would be killed or be removed of their valuables and status depending on their crimes they commit but this did not stop some people from hiring higher quality slaves raised as workers, maids or guards who were children or family members of those who had committed crimes or owed debts to others.

Some were forced to volunteer their lives to become a slave for various reasons so although slavery was frowned upon it was a lot more structured and high class than those outside the capital.

The slave traders outside the capital are far more brutal with their slaves and they don't just get their slaves through debts or those who had done wrong…

In fact their main source of slaves comes from criminals who had abducted people from slums, various fallen families or prisoners captured during their time killing or stealing and they happen to come across someone they could sell.

With the increasing crime rate and gangs or bandit groups forming the amount of missing people began to sharply rise along with the rise of poor quality slaves who had been badly treated and in poor condition.

Back at the mansion, Miranda entered Ki's room after knocking. "Young miss I found the person you asked me to look into and have contacted her so she should be here soon."

"What is the information collected on her?" Ki lifted her head after carefully dropping a droplet of poisonous liquid into a glass container filled with other liquified poisons or herbs, she then closed the container after completing the action and began to focus on Miranda.

"Young miss, the lady you asked us to find is Marilyn Bolivar, she is currently 15 years old and a member of the orphanage that had opened up as a volunteer so she was right under our nose this whole time. She is an orphan who grew up in the rough and dark parts of Wolfden city meaning she was dropped off at the slums. She was raised by an old man but nobody knows his name, all that was known was that he taught her how fight and trained her as his disciple. She is currently rumoured to be a second rate martial artist which is pretty rare for those without a sect or background so I can imagine that her master or the person who raised her would of been someone skilled before they passed on. Since then she made efforts to protect those around her within the slums but with the rising gangs she began to struggle, more people kept approaching her and then suddenly she heard about the orphanages which were recruiting people and being reformed by the family so checked it out." Miranda cleared her throat and gave a brief overview of her thoughts. "I believe that she is someone who values those connected to her, she is strong enough to survive alone but is slowly being brought into the chaos of the city between the gangs, the nobles and other hidden influences. If possible we should do our best to recruit her for her potential."

"Hmm… I agree. I wish to meet her as soon as possible." Ki nodded upon hearing her words. 'Master I will be seeing you soon.'