Gambling Addiction

Meanwhile in Wolfden city, sat an old man covered in wounds in a dark dungeon with a crazy look in his eyes. "Just give me one more chance! Just once more and I am sure I can win and pay everything back!"

A man looked into the prison cell with a look of mockery and flashed a knowing smile. "I doubt you could pay everything back even if you sold your families title old man. How about you use the lives of your family and property to pay for a final chance?"

The old mans eyes lit up with hope at the chance to overcome his losses. "I will! I will sign whatever you bring me! Just let me play once more."

The man looked a little hesitant and spoke in a lighter tone. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure!" The old man grabbed onto the last chance without hesitation.

"Fine then." The man handed him a document to sign and when he took it back his face began to show a look of satisfaction after fooling the old man. "Your final chance, if you win then part of your debts will be paid off and then the rest will be paid back over time. If you lose you know the consequences. The game is to guess the final result of the three dice rolls that have been hidden under cup, if you can guess two out of three correctly then you win but if you only get one or none correct then you will lose. State your order of choices before the start of the game."

He placed the cup on the floor in front of the cell and placed the dice under it and began to shake the cup around so that the dice began to be knocked around inside. "So.. what will you choose?"

The old man thought for a while under the pressure of the man's urging him to make a decision. "First one I pick Even, then Odd, then finally Odd again."

While the old man began to say what he had chosen, the man stopped shaking the cup and lifted it showing the dice faced up had three dots on it. "Odd you lose."

The old mans eyes filled with anger and regret, he then composed himself. "I still have a chance to win, so continue."

"Fine.." The man picked up the dice and placed it in the cup before slamming the cup down to the floor and shook it again.

The old mans eyes were filled with anticipation and then the cup was lifted showing five dots. "Hahaha odd, I got it right! Just one more."

While the old man was sitting in joy, the man picked up the dice and smiled at the old man like he was watching a fool.

He switched out the dice in his hand with a new one before placing the new dice into the cup out of the sight of the old man. "It's your final chance so let's see if you will win."

He dropped the cup and began to shake it around, he then lifted cup revealing 6 dots. "Even. You lose again. You now belong to us and so does everything else you own."

The man dropped his play and began to laugh at the old man. "Ahahaha sorry old man but luck isn't on your side."

The old mans face dropped upon seeing the final result, his hope filled face disappeared upon seeing the dice and was now filled with madness and despair. "One more! Once more! Please! Please!"

The man looked at him with disgust, he spat into the cell before leaving with the signed paper. "This one should get us a bit more money."

He spat out a few words of regret when he made his way to his boss. "It's a shame he is so old. We won't get much if we sell him… should we send him to take part in the noble hunting grounds or should we just cut him up?"

Not long after a group of men turned up at the families home with documents of the debts owed along with the signature signing away everything that they owned.

The family were kicked out of their homes and everything was seized, the family walked the streets before being seized during the night.

The family sat within an underground jail filled with despair.

Celene's son sat there listlessly staring at his mother. "Why? Don't you know how hard I have worked to keep this family going and just like that we have lost everything?! What have you and father been doing?!"

Celene looked away from her son with guilty eyes. "You should know that keeping up with the noble trends and such is expensive. I had to do it."

"No you didn't. You are just making excuses because of your greed and the inferiority you have towards auntie. You know in your heart why you spend so much to help boost the families image among the nobles. You have always felt inferior to your sister who inherited the family business while your marriage was less than satisfactory and yet you still went back there for help. Even after then your spending and shows of vanity only became worse, I ignored it all along with fathers gambling since he had stopped going to gamble as often and I was busy with work and raising the kids but look at us now?" Celene's son looked at his mother as if she were an enemy. "Great job mom, you were nothing but a burden before and now you and dad have completely ruined us all so how are you going to save us this time huh?"

"How was I supposed to know that your father would gamble away everything?" Celene looked upset at her sons words.

"You truly don't understand? If you knew he had a problem then why didn't you work harder to correct yourself so that the family could recover if something ever went wrong? Now thanks to the both of you our family has nothing left." Celene's son could not even look at his mother anymore and went to hug his children and wife. "Don't cry, don't cry. Everything will work out somehow, just focus on getting through this for now."

Celene began to bang onto the bars with her bare hands. "Let me out! Let me out! You can't do this to us! There must be a way to let us go free there must be!…. Ah! Wait! I have something to buy our freedom please! I know you will be interested!"