Archers retreat

After around 5 volleys of arrows the numbers of the villager who died had begun to be close to 10.

The numbers of those wounded had become more than half of them, the villagers wished to run away back down the hill but suddenly the first to retreat suddenly stopped their footsteps.

A sword went through their body and they went limp falling to the ground, a hand was placed on the wound which greedily absorbed the vitality from the body.

The blood sect group leader quickly yelled out as he had one hand on the wound and another holding the persons throat holding them in front of them. "Do not retreat or you will get the same as this person. Use the dead bodies as a shield and climb! Use your weapons to protect your vitals from being hit by the arrows. You have the ability to heal so you should not have any problems. Go! No retreating or you will be the next to die by my sword."

A few villagers who had similar thoughts began to change their actions of retreating after witnessing the scene of their comrade being killed by blood sect group leader.

Some even began to feel a little resentful. 'How come they can sit back and avoid injuries while we have to be the ones to face the arrows head on? We are practically their shields right now… as time goes by the more deaths are happening and more are wounded more often.'

The blood sect group and the village head followed behind the villagers doing their best to avoid dying to the next volley of arrows.

One of the villagers near the back of the group tripped and fell to the ground narrowly avoiding an arrow but the blood sect member was soon pierced by the arrow in his place.

The one who got pierced revealed a look of pain when they removed the arrow and kicked the person on the ground in rage. "Damn coward. Get up and move!"

Narrowly avoiding death and then being threatened the man began to feel even more fearful in their heart and answered back in a servile manner. "Okay.. I'll go. I'll go."

There were a couple of more cases where a similar incident happened because some villagers did their best to predict the trajectory of the arrows and avoided them but the blood sects people behind them using them as shields did not receive a warning to move from the path of the arrow.

On the walls Isaac watched the large group of people approaching and slowly making their way up the hill.

Their numbers were slowly dropping with each volley and those wounded by an arrow could be said to be more than three quarters of them.

Isaac lifted his hand to signal the archers with his finger pointed downwards and yelled. "Last one!"

He then turned to a man standing nearby and spoke. "Go prepare the second group and get ready with the next plan."

The man's eyes began to show some excitement and quickly ran to complete his duties.

The signal had been given and the archers noticed that the group of invaders were growing much closer so they took out one more arrow and this time took their time to aim downwards rather than at the sky this time.

They aimed for anyone who did not have blood on their clothes like they had been prepared to deal one final wound to those that they had missed.

Many of those arrows landed on a target, most of which were targeted towards their chest of stomach which were the easiest targets.

Right after their arrows were let loose they readied a final arrow and lit a string on fire at the end and the other part of the string was connected to a small container.

Soon the arrows were fired at the groups feet, soon followed was the container lightly exploding and a smoke cloud enveloped the group climbing the hill and obstructing their vision.

Seeing they had completed their mission the group of ten archers quickly retreated back towards the gate.

After the group of archers entered the walls safe zone once more there was a group of ten masked men and women who exited the gate before it was closed once more.

The group lined up at the top of the hill waiting for their enemy to leave the smoke with spears and pole arms readily pointed forwards to pierce through any enemy who reached the top of the terrain.

Another group of masked people appeared on the walls behind them, it was the group of archers who had previously retreated.

Not too long after they got into position, dark smoke began to rise to the sky as if something was being burned within the mansion walls.

Outside the village a group of people began to enter the village walls once more and made their way towards the gate and bridge with weapons in their hands.

The armed group began to stand blocking the exit leading to the gate and bridge while the unarmed people went back to their homes to check the condition of their home and if anything was missing during their departure.

Isaac looked to his hands which moved so that his outstretched fingers bent inwards one at a time slowly as if counting downwards. "10, 9, 8… 2, 1."

Ki stood beside him and had a smile on her face. "They should be taking some effect on the ones who were first hit by now. It won't be long until the rest begin to feel the same so no need to worry too much."

She quickly scanned the battlefield from above and noticed a couple of shadows within the smoke who grouped together and pushed forwards with more strength than the rest.

Turning to the side she spoke once more. "Marilyn and Rashida you will assist me in going down there. It seems that the blood sect group is still going strong so we need to make up for the gaps within the 10 defending at the front. Isaac I will entrust the archers to you. If someone within the mansion gets anywhere near to the gate shoot to kill are my orders, any traitors aiming to allow them within the mansion must be dealt with immediately."

Ki quickly tied a long piece of silk onto the top of the wall and let it hang down before slowly descending down it.

Marilyn and Rashida followed behind her after she reached the ground.

The group of three removed their weapons from their sheaves and moved to support the spear bearers and pole arm wielders.