Unexpected gifts

The next day the law departments men began their investigation and interrogated the prisoners for any useful information.

After completing their task they decided who would be taken from the Bombyx families land and brought to the capital for further investigation.

The most important people to prioritise transporting was the recruiter for the blood sect as they knew most of the information on what crimes they had committed and key information which could lead to a meeting point or a place connected to the blood sect.

Once they send him back then they would gain more support from the higher ups which would make their job a lot easier.

During their stay in the village they remained polite with the Bombyx family until the end and thanked them for the support in providing matching information to what they had gathered and helping them during their time there.

Eric stood outside of the village gate and was greeted by Isaac. "I see you have come to see me off."

Isaac nodded. "I hope that everything has been of help to you. Although I know the family could provide extra help in the later stages to the investigation I had advised them not to step forward at this time. Those forces behind the group are not something the family can handle if targeted so it's best we pass on the rest to the martial alliance who have the power to make a difference."

Eric smiled upon hearing his words. "I agree with you. From what we have gathered from the prisoners this was not an official mission issued by the sect and them acting on their own. So even if we capture them for their crimes then the blood sect will not care… however it's different if we can make a connection from their recruiter and use it to find other key members in the organisation or even just a chain of buildings or businesses connected to them. If the family has any involvement in that then there is a high chance of being targeted for revenge. Don't worry I will keep this all quiet for you so none of this falls back on the family but you know what I want right?"

Isaac sighed and dismissed him as if he had expected the final words. "Of course. You scratch my back and I scratch yours. Take the credit for this all you want."

"Alright then. Good luck to you old friend, live well!" Eric smiled as he turned away towards the carriages of guards who escorted the lethargic prisoners.

Soon the group escorted the prisoners towards the capital.

Isaac walked back towards the mansion and arrived in the room where Ki sat as she went through several documents.

Ki lifted her head and spoke up after he entered the room. "Did it go as expected?"

"Yes everything is going according to plan. We should soon see some results from our efforts." Isaac smiled. "He wished for the credit in exchange for leaving the families name out of the investigation if it were to be revealed to the public so there is little connecting us to everything that has happened but there should be a few people who may still be a threat who know of the blood sects recruiters plans."

Ki frowned upon hearing Isaacs words. "Indeed it wouldn't be good if we just let them act as they please. So what about the delay to the law department acting on Wolfden city?"

Isaac responded. "It seems they never expected to be able to capture a key member of the group. So they would have just went to deal with the matters in Wolfden city immediately and use their power to seize the properties of the criminals there but now their top priority is to get the prisoners back to the capital quickly and safely. They never expected such a big catch which could lead them to capture other more important members behind the organisation. If they get enough support from the capital and do it well enough they could cause some damage to their enemies."

Ki smiled as if she had expected this result somewhat. 'And that is exactly why I did not wish to kill anyone who looked important enough within the invaders group. They were determined to fight us without expecting any consequences but now they have ended up becoming a liability to the people who support them from behind. In the end their deaths will not be pleasant whether they die in the martial alliances hands or are silenced by their own people.'

Isaac looked to the side and saw a package with Ki's name written on it which had been opened. "If you don't mind me asking… what is that?"

Ki picked up one of the documents on the table and pointed towards the title. "A transfer of ownership."

Isaacs eyes lit up with surprise. "May I see?"

Ki passed him the document. "Sure."

Isaac read through the documents and nodded his head. "These documents are not fake and have properly been handled according to the law. I don't know if the owner had been using their real name or an alias for the name but in the end the moment you bring these documents forward the businesses will officially belong to you. Let's see… there are herb stores and some of them provide medicinal checkups, provide prescriptions and also treat illnesses and those wounded. There are so many of them and they are scattered all around the central lands. Not only that but there are a lot of private funds which have been transferred over to your name."

Ki smiled upon hearing the documents had been real. "Such a lovely and mysterious gift. It's still best that you and grandmother work to investigate them before completing the transfer. If it is really the real thing then I will draw up some plans for it and put it all to use somehow. We will also have to train some of our own people about herbs and medicinal techniques."

Ki took out a small note from the box and read it. [Dear my goddaughter Ki Bombyx. You may not have any memory of this old man but I congratulate you on passing your tribulation. This old man has a warning for you, beware of the Estrella family! If you ever come into contact with them they may deem you as a threat and expose your fate to the outside world which would be dangerous to your life. Now that your fate has changed and many around you now or in the future have also began to change upon coming into contact with you… the predicted fate of the stars has changed and the Estrella family would be able to spot this if they looked towards the northern stars. This old man sacrificed his good karma to bring the northern stars back to their previous state before you changed it, they will remain that way for a long time so the family will not notice your changes. Please remember that the current veil in the skies are merely a temporary solution to hide your fate from those within the family and the martial alliance who they support. I hope I can provide you enough time to protect yourself, I have also attached my life's work on medicine, astrology, fate and karma along with the families qi arts and techniques. I hope they will assist you but I will give you a warning! Do not make someone within your men learn the main parts of reading the stars or peoples fates, if anything my gut feeling is telling me whoever you give it to may end up being useful to them but if they know too much about the heavens secrets it would only end up hindering their work and actions in the future. If that person does learn astrology in the end and becomes an observer it would also be difficult to conceal him from the family and it would put a target on your back as those who are observers are able to locate their own kind. I managed to get this far because of my good karma and concealing own fate but now that my good karma is gone all that remains is the bad. I believe soon will be my end so best of luck little Ki. From your godfather, Bernard Estrella]