
After what happened with the boy and his father many others made their decisions together and begun to stick to the final decision as they did not want to see a repeat of someone walking out on the family because of their differing viewpoints and goals.

The village began to slowly recover from the invasion and slowly their lives began to get back on track.

A week later all of the villagers who wished to leave had been escorted off the land by carriage.

Renovations on the village chiefs home began and it slowly began to transform into a public library.

Many copies of the 8 imperial beast basic form books were available along with several basic forms of palm, fist, claw and finger techniques.

Some booklets or scrolls available also had basic footwork forms and other martial techniques for beginners.

To make sure none of the more valuable martial arts books and scrolls were to be leaked outside and the villagers could master the basics first the more valuable sword, dagger, spear arts and the mulberry martial arts basic forms etc were stored in the back room.

The books and scrolls were not to be removed from the library by anyone so they would have to be read during the daytime when the library is open to the public.

As stated during the speech, only those with a medallion could gain access to the be able to read the books and scrolls in the back room.

Of course the librarian was told to advise others to first pick a suitable set of palm or fist forms which aren't incomplete after they have finished mastering one of the eight beast forms and then they can think about using a weapon later once their body is in the best state.

The Bombyx family had many scrolls and books locked up in their inheritance site so naturally Ki made many copies of them and began to make use of them.

While she did have plans to spread out her own martial arts basic forms she felt that it would be best to prioritise the mulberry palm and sword forms for females as it was more suited to their physique and she did not wish for to rush everything so a couple of books were copied to be placed in the secret room too.

As for her own drunken palm and sword forms she did not wish to pass them down to another because she needed to keep something to herself.

If she would pass it onto someone one day then that person had to be trustworthy and be able to master the forms without dying early because of minor mistakes in combat which was difficult to find for her martial arts which needs a drunken and relaxed state to be able to make the best of it.

The wrong dosage of alcohol and instead of being relaxed but still in control, the user would not be in complete control of themselves when drunk and lose focus during combat.

One misjudgement or fall could become fatal in combat.

That is why Ki has worked hard over the years to perfect the martial forms on her own and grasp the essence of the state without having to drink any wine.

The clinics and herb stores were all placed under Ki's name and then Miranda and Agnes handled them perfectly and slowly began to send their own people to fill in any positions and investigate anything out of place.

The orphanages that had been set up in lots of different locations began to select their brightest minds, those with good physiques and with unique skills.

Those selected were given the option to be moved into the village and nurtured for the family to be used to fill in the increasing working positions as the families business was expanding at a fast rate.

Ki, Miranda and Evie went to inspect the businesses in Wolfden city and sat in the carriage together as they began to pass through the gates of the city.

They were escorted by the families guards, Ki and the other female wore a veil to cover their face to avoid attracting trouble during their visit.

As they walked towards the Bifta family they were greeted by the new head of the family.

Ever since their young lady took over as the head, the family had progressed a lot under her leadership and the Bombyx families assistance.

The young lady greeted Ki as soon as she saw her. "Greeting Young miss. What brings you here?"

Ki smiled upon seeing how much the young lady of the Bifta family had progressed over the years. "Young lady Bifta or should I say family head. You certainly look the part now. We are here to inspect some of our businesses and check a few things while in the city. We will be staying for a couple of days so could we use your place to stay during our time here?"

The young lady smiled and nodded giving way to let them all enter. "Of course. Anything you need just ask!"

Over the years the young lady of the Bifta family had become stronger in temperament and was much more experienced in dealing with people than she had been previously.

However there was still one thing that caused her to suffer time and time again within the city…

After escorting everyone to a place to stay she spoke up to Ki. "Young miss… can I talk to you about something?"

Ki welcomed her into the room and spoke. "Tell me, what's wrong?"

The young lady coughed and began to explain. "It's about my ex fiancé, it has been more than a year since the engagement was cancelled but he still continues to harass me and the family. I am worried he will become more violent and forceful if this continues, I have tried to dismiss or fend him off but he just becomes increasingly worse. What can I do?"

Ki thought for a moment and calmly asked. "By any chance are they or their family involved with any underground dealings or any of the noble families illegal dealings over the years?"

The young lady sighed. "Yes he is. His family is connected to the gangs and he participates in the hunting games the young masters of the rich or noble families have every month."

Ki's eyes turned cold. "Then you will not have to worry about him after a while, just stay a safe distance from him for now and keep the family from sticking out during the coming weeks."

The young lady looked confused and asked. "Why do I not need to worry?"

Ki placed her index finger in front of his lips and explained. "This is a secret so keep it to yourself so you don't get affected by everything coming and startle the snakes. There should be an investigation into the illegal dealings within the city by the martial alliances law department so many families will be affected."

The young lady gasped but then revealed a look of realisation. "So you mean he will soon be dealt with by others… finally I can be rid of him hahaha."

Ki nodded and warned her. "Remember to not mention anything about this to others as you know how it could badly affect your family if you leaked the news and let the criminals escape. You may give orders to restrict the families actions during this time so that they don't get caught up in the investigation or get incriminated for associating with any of the criminals."

The young lady became serious upon hearing Ki speak. "I will young miss, I do not think any of the family have took part in any of the illegal activities within the city but I will do my best to keep them from making any mistakes during this time."