Another year 2

Outside of the families matters during the year many things had happened within the world.

The law departments team which was lead by Eric had been given a bonus and Eric and his boss received a promotion for their contribution toward the capture of the blood sects recruiter and dealing with many illegal matters within Wolfden City which then spread out into other cities.

Some of the gangs or mercenary groups that they captured had connections to the unorthodox alliance so a new round of investigation began within the capital and two separate things were put into action within the year.

A meeting point was exposed by the blood sect recruiter where he usually meets his contact from the blood sect, the place he gave away to the martial alliance was exposed as the blood sects private business which was connected to a chain of taverns.

After the tavern was exposed as a part of the blood sect many of the taverns and who visited them went under investigation and then many of them were quickly raided by the law department.

The other leads the law department got lead to bringing down several small to medium sized organisations inside and outside of the capital that had connections to those captured who had ties with the unorthodox alliance.

The sudden attack of the martial alliance upon the blood sects and unorthodox alliances small to medium sized organisations or businesses caught them off guard but thanks to their withholding of certain information to the public the Bombyx families involvement would not be exposed.

Within the capital the Estrella families young miss Celeste was arranged to marry the young master of the Baer family who was known for his scholarly aura and his intelligence.

The combination of the two stars sent a shockwave within the capital and many began to sing their praises for the new couple.

Ethan Baer the tactical dragon star joined hands with Celeste Estrella the star-seer pheonix star in an alliance forged by marriage further promoting relations between two of the four great families.

The union of the two along with the news of the martial alliances successful actions against their enemies helped to promote the martial alliances overall image within and outside of the capital further and helped to increase their influence over the people.

After receiving several attacks on their small forces the unorthodox alliance and blood sect never revealed themselves to retaliate or make themselves known as if they were hiding or working on more important matters.

After many years of unease about the increasing amount of villainous groups the martial alliance was finally able to ease their minds a little but this did not mean that everyone was happy about this outcome…

There were many other up and coming families who were growing within the capital who wished for the four great families and the large sects power and influence to weaken so they could take their place.

One of the families which wished to do so was the current empresses family who had their hands in many businesses and were growing fast within the political and military world after their family had produced several famous generals that guarded the eastern and western borders from the tribes and fought off beast waves over the past several hundred years.

Their power and influence had been growing out of the control of the martial alliance and they were not far from being able to be the next great family until their family was disgraced when their daughter became empress and became barren after losing her child many years ago, even her handmaid had been able to give birth to a son of royal blood.

However when Ki had read the information on this family she revealed a mysterious smile because she knew things others didn't that involved a certain future Emperor from her previous life!

The emperor of Ki's previous life was always rumoured to be the son of a maid during his early years but in fact the coincidences surrounding his birth had those smart enough to begin questioning if that was true.

He rose up as an unloved person with a weak support according to public knowledge but when he overcame his hardship and became crown prince he began to make many achievements and recruit many reliable helpers further solidifying his position.

After that he was crowned as emperor after all his effort bore fruit and his true lineage was revealed in his later years.

The truth was that the empress and the maid were both pregnant around the same time but as the babies were due to be born the empress and her family plotted to induce the maids pregnancy along with her own using a medicinal concoction.

The maid and the child died during childbirth because of the influence of the forced conditions and the empress gave birth to a healthy boy.

In order to avoid plots against her son from all angles she switched the babies and took on the role of a grieving and disgraced mother and empress while her son became an orphan with a mother who was a handmaid but still had royal blood.

From an early age the boy was privately supported by the family and the empress behind the scenes which helped him to overcomes his brothers and sisters schemes and become the emperor.

After the emperor rose to power his mothers family rose in power once again, not only did they have their blood as the emperor but they were gaining enough influence and power to solidify their position as a great family but after Ki's final actions during her death they were all left to pick up the pieces after losing their important chess piece.

However in the present he was still in the process of gaining power with the support of his mothers family from the shadows but he would never be able to receive help from one of his greatest strategists that was claimed by Ki.

Ki had successfully managed to convince Isaac to stay by her side as the head strategist of the family so his future was changed and he no longer had to serve a master no did not value him for his individual thoughts and ideals.

Meanwhile on the northern borders the divine ice sect fought off a large wave of beasts and invaders and suffered quite a few losses.

After the loss of their sect leader or spiritual goddess the sect was showing signs of weakening and without any support from the martial alliance the female only sect was showing signs of cracking.