Unorthodox alliance vs Divine ice sect

Within the sect the elders and the many disciples clashed with the intruders in a fierce and large bloody battle.

Battlecries were heard as the swords clashed, at first the divine ice sect had the advantage as they continued to push back their enemies back towards the gate but suddenly a stronger force pushed forwards and pushed many of the female disciples back.

Some of the disciples stumbled and fell to the ground after being pushed back and were trampled upon by the invaders.

Others within the sect saw that there was a change and became desperate, they became increasingly reckless and ended up sacrificing their lives to take down several people with them.

The elders joined the front lines to help support in areas that were showing visible signs of weakening.

Outside of the sect several men and women stood around an imposing looking man who carried an aura of oppression towards his surroundings.

He had a pair of fierce eyes as if he was a wild beast in human form, he spoke roughly towards those surrounding them. "How is the battle going?"

One of the sect masters lowered their head as they spoke not daring to look into the man's eyes. "Alliance leader, the elders of the divine ice sect have all moved out so it is time to send out our more powerful men to remove the elders and end the battle."

The alliance leader grunted in annoyance and ordered. "Just hurry up and kill as many of them as you can to get this over quickly. If any survive you may keep them as trophies but the resources and martial arts books and scrolls will be split among the sects according to what we previously agreed."

Another sect leader also bowed their head and spoke in a servile tone towards the alliance leader. "As you have ordered we will begin immediately alliance leader."

The alliance leader grunted and turned his head away from the sect leaders and their elders impatiently.

The elders of their sects quickly left to help with the invasion and put an end to the battle.

As they entered the battlefield many of the divine ice sect lost their lives very quickly and the elders began to fall one at a time.

The overwhelming force behind the invaders was too much for the divine ice sect to defend against even with their many years of experience defending the northern borders.

Many females were killed under the hands of the invaders and the remaining disciples that survived were subdued and captured.

Many of the males within the group of invaders looked at their captured prisoners with greedy and lustful eyes but restrained themselves upon remembering their masters temperament.

The master did not like others messing with his plan and behaving as they please before everything was completed according to his orders.

He was a ruthless ruler who disliked others who ignored his orders or continued to make mistakes, anyone who did so was brutally killed to set an example to the others.

The unorthodox alliance had long had a history of being an alliance made up of criminal groups or organisations and also evil sects that had different ideologies and were opposed to the the martial alliance.

Bandits, thieves, poison masters, gangs, criminals of all kinds, noble families that were connected to the underworld, noble families with hatred towards the martial alliance, sects with similar ideologies that did not fit in with the martial alliances structure and rules made up the unorthodox alliance and was under the rule of the alliance master.

They had remained quiet for some time during the past few years for some reason and even ignored the provocation of the martial alliance as they continued to deal damage to their smaller operations but now they had appeared together to attack the weakened divine ice sect.

The alliance leaders brows wrinkled as he overlooked the chaos within the fortress and turned to one of the sect leaders by his side. "Where is the sects grand elder? Has she been found yet?"

He gazed upon the group of leaders in thought. 'The combined efforts of the sects and others acting in secret to infiltrate the sect to gather intelligence, provoking the northerners to invade and attack the fortress and leading the beasts to attack was all part of our plans to weaken the divine ice sects strength. Our combined forces easily brought down what remained of them after an attack during the night but the grand elder has not been found yet…'

A sect leader discusses with the others and bowed again when facing the alliance leader. "They have not been found. The rumoured sect leader and the grand elder have not been found within the group of those captured or the identified dead."

The alliance leader scowled and angrily rebuked. "Find them immediately! Search for any secret tunnels or passages. Spread out your men within the range of the fortress just in case to capture anyone escaping. We must capture the grand elder and the sect leader at all cost."

Another sect leader nodded before adding. "Master, what about the spy? Can it be trusted? I don't think we have found her body."

The alliance leader thought for a moment and revealed a ruthless look in his eyes full of oppression. "She had best know what is good for her otherwise her family will be the first ones to suffer."

A leader of one of the noble families looked towards the leader with fright in his eyes. 'Our noble family has fallen far over the past hundred years… worst of all many of our connected businesses have been cut off within this year because of the martial alliances law department. Now we have to put our faith in my own illegitimate daughter who was merely a chess piece raised as a spy within the divine ice sect. She had better return and give us the desired results soon otherwise she will end up being labeled as the families traitor and the family will have to suffer in her place.'

A cold light flashed in the family heads eyes as he thought about his unloved and illegitimate daughter who had managed to reach a high status in a new place even without the families help.

The illegitimate daughter of his received no support from the family from an early age and nothing but discrimination because of her mothers status as an entertainer from a brothel.

Like most stories within the world it was a common story about a noble who married for alliances and power but was not able to satisfy his lust so took in many concubines and visited the local brothel.

A daughter was born from the woman he visited and kept to himself out of the families eyes but when the woman died he brought the daughter back to the family out of duty to his family to preserve his bloodline but that did not mean he was required to treat her well.

In fact he loathed his daughter because ever since she entered the family home she did nothing but disrupt the families peace as she provoked the main wife's children and created many situations that brought great dishonour to him and the family.

In the end he had to send the child away to stabilise the family once more, the divine ice sect was chosen to help the unorthodox alliance with their plans so she was sent as a spy.

What they did not expect was that during her time within the family and when she was sent away, while she did act according to the families orders in the end she did not have any familial love or loyalty towards them because she had to follow their orders because she was too weak to resist.

Suddenly an opportunity landed on her shoulders which could allow her to get revenge on her family and change her life so she took the chance!