
After the sparring session Ki went to increase her training some more.

During the many years although her qi's growth had slowed down her martial arts comprehensive and her bodies condition and toughness continued to improve the more she trained.

If she had the chance to fight against an opponent that was not a peak expert or higher then she was sure that her sword was able to help her to defend herself and deal a deadly blow to her enemies.

If the other party was stronger then she was still sure that she could risk her life or injuring herself to bring them down but she was sure that she could find a way to escape.

Ki was glad that transcendent martial artists and higher were more difficult to raise and were more rare within the world so she had enough time to stabilise her realm and further solidify her foundation as she grew before she took the necessary steps to advance forward once more.

After consuming so much vitality and experiencing extreme training methods Ki had made great strides forward to increasing her muscle and skins toughness and her bodies strength.

She had surpassed the toughness of a masters or a peak martial artists body who practiced a devils path body art and was approaching the realm of a transcendent to be able to not be as affected by the others but she could still be harmed by swords or other weapons.

Body techniques help to make the body tougher and more invulnerable to attacks or even weapon or qi attacks and just like the diamond body art of the Buddhist sect the blood Buddha art is more of a devil or demonic path of body art training or transformation.

Demonic path body art users are usually inhumanely strong or have high endurance just like those that practice the diamond body art and the blood Buddha art Ki practices helps to make her strong enough to be able to overpower and endure a lot more than those within the same realm as her.

Lumi and Rayleigh on the other hand found it difficult at first to adjust to the hell training methods of Ki but because they grew up in the harsh environment and cold of the northern borders they quickly adapted.

In between training Rayleigh had been tutored by Elizabeth during her free time and also by Miranda on business management and anything basic surrounding it.

Lumi and Rayleigh's existence could not be exposed to outsiders so Ki did not let others see or have contact with them.

She was especially cautious in case any of the four big influences sent any spies to the village or Wolfden city to try to find any suspicious changes or signs of the survivors from the Divine Ice sect.

The unorthodox alliance was one of the main influences that were searching for the sects final chance of revival and the core parts of their inheritance.

After training, Ki headed back to have a meal with the family while Lumi and Rayleigh went back to practice their qi art and comprehend their insights gained during the sparring sessions.

Ki sat next to a small round and cute baby and lifted a spoon full of a soft mixture of mashed vegetables slowly and carefully.

She placed it in front of the babies face and slowly approached the baby girls little mouth while gently talking. "Say aaah."

As if responding to her words and the spoon placed in front of her eyes, the baby girl opened her eyes wide and let out a small giggle and opened her mouth wide.

The spoon pushed the food into the babies mouth carefully and gently then she gently wiped the food from the babies face that missed her mouth or she had spat out.

Ki smiled gently towards the baby girl as she was obediently eating the food given to her. "Good girl. Our Naara is such a clever little girl."

During the meal and feeding Naara and helping her drink her milk, Ki began to talk to Agnes, Elizabeth and Adam while Leon silently ate his meal. "There will be guests in the mansion during this time for the foreseeable future as you have already found out during the past few days but I need to bring something up. We cannot let any leaks of their existence be found by anyone during the next couple of months as this has a big connection to the divine ice sects demise and their final chance of revival. Our family has always relied on the sect to keep out lands safe from invading forces from the north but from now on we need to deal with anything that passes the borders ourselves until the martial alliance have thought of a solution. We need to increase the village's surveillance and defences during this time and increase our efforts to fortify our walls so no invaders or beasts that slip through the borders can cause the village or Wolfden city any damage. There may also be some issues with trading with the north during this time thanks to the collapse of the divine ice sect."

Agnes frowned and responded. "I already expected this the moment I heard of their fall. We are expected to experience tough times in the future so we need to be extra careful."

Elizabeth agreed with her words. "I cannot really help much with this but I will do my best to improve myself."

Adam also displayed a trace of worry in his eyes as he looked towards his youngest daughter. "Our little princess Naara has just been born and not long after the world has become even more chaotic and dangerous. We need to do our best to protect her."

Elizabeth had to take a small breath as she looked over to her baby daughter and then turned to Ki with a sharp determination in her eyes. "I have thought about it and I wish to go under the ritual you talked about to gain more strength so I can at least protect myself and my family."

Adam looked as if he had just remembered it after hearing his wife's words. "Fine… me too then. I cannot just allow my wife to undertake the ritual alone."

Agnes sighed upon witnessing their determination. "Fine… me too then."

Ki looked a little relieved as her family had been constantly refusing her over the years after she suggested it to them. "Fine then. Do you want to undergo the ritual for a beast companion pact or a sacrificial ritual? What type of animal would you like to choose or what kind of characteristics would you like to be enhanced?"

Agnes thought for a moment and then decided. "I just want to have a stronger or healthier body as I am getting older so anything that gives me a little more endurance would be good. I don't want to keep a pet by my side so I'd prefer the sacrificial ritual."

Elizabeth raised her hand and spoke. "I don't know much about fighting so I would prefer the contract ritual and I would prefer to make one with an animal with high agility."

Adam sighed and spoke. "A contract for me too, I have no experience with fighting so anything with high enough endurance or speed to be able to keep me alive in times of danger while the beast deals with my enemy."