2 months

Two months passed by as all of the plans the family had were being put into place

The entertainment halls building was bought in a suitable location that everyone had access to within Wolfden city ranging from commoners who could afford a room between several people, mercenaries, traders, the rich or nobles.

The building had finished being arranged to look as neat and high class as possible to welcome the guests.

Each room had silk curtains over the windows and the furniture was comfortable but practical and neat to suit the environment for entertaining many guests in a single room that could fit more than six people while some could hold ten or more.

Each room had their own price for reserving and there was also a vip room to be booked for the high class treatment that comes with a better wine list and food or snacks served.

Although the location allowed it to be located easily, the entertainment hall did not allow visitors unless they had booked a room in advance according to the rules and while they could request to be served and entertained by a chosen female physical contact was not allowed between the customer and the staff working there.

Over the years there were many girls within orphanages and slaves Ki had acquired that had been learning different skills suitable for this business so as soon as the idea was put forward finding workers was not difficult.

While some females were hired as a waiter or cook within the hall there were also positions available for a manager and various types of entertainers and bodyguards.

The girls with enough talent to practice the divine ice sects martial arts loyal to Ki began to be moved into the business as either waiters, guards or entertainers so that Ki could place them in important positions to be able to gather more information for Nox and she could also use this to keep an eye on the inner ongoings of the business and Rayleigh's actions in the future.

Although Ki had enough put in place to ensure her loyalty and to keep her by her side she still could not relax her guard and let her act as she pleases in a way that would harm those around her.

Especially during the critical time where spies of various powers are working in secret and in search of the survivors.

It was still not yet time to let Lumi or Rayleigh leave the mansion so they had been training themselves with all of their efforts and improving various life skills and knowledge.

Meanwhile a rumour spread within the central lands within the northern parts that one of the families had suffered a tragedy.

The Wraith families head encountered an attack when he was out dealing with business and lost his hand during the encounter.

Worst of all he lost his wife soon after to assassination along with his two daughters and son only leaving him one heir left.

More than half of the families elders were also assassinated along with several distant family members.

He also seemed to have lost a lot of his businesses overnight to another merchant group.

A string of events happened as if he was being punished by a large group of people, the more time passed the more violent the harassment became.

Upon hearing the news Ki scoffed. "So you failed to get the inheritance of the sect you invaded… unorthodox alliance but you are quick to punish those who failed to meet your expectations but in the end you are just a group of savages bound together for their own benefits. Your alliances aren't that stable and you probably cannot wait to tear each other apart if you didn't have the alliance leader to subdue you. The moment you lose his protection the claws and teeth come out and you begin to take apart your target, this time the spy of the Wraith family betrayed the family and the unorthodox alliances orders and escaped under their noses with the inheritance and key members of the sect so naturally they would suffer from what happened. One thing I know is that the unorthodox alliance leader rules by oppression and fear. The message he is sending is that the same can happen to anyone else who steps out of line or fail to meet his expectations."