End of the Play #2

Ki looked towards the leader as she made a hand signal towards the woods. "Remain still and do not move or resist. You should know the result if you do not listen to my words and choose to act against my wishes."

Soon a group of black cloaked people walked out of the cover of the trees and walked closer to the group of northerners who were kneeling on the ground.

The moonlight sone down upon their bodies and upon making contact with their heads, the masks under the cloaks were shown to the northerners which creeped them out a little.

The northerners were feeling uneasy as they approached and began to approach them and removed several metal restraints.

The restraints were placed on the northerners hands and feet and they were pulled up to stand once again to allow them to be escorted back to the village.

Ki looked at their uneasy faces and then spoke towards the leader of the group in a calm voice but at the same time she was also talking to the blood shadow group as if teaching them. "The first part of the plan was to slip in when you were distracted and tamper with the soup. Once the meal was compromised I may have had the chance to escape in time but in order to not risk the efforts I had taken, I put on a play of someone who stumbled into their territory and was drawn by the smell of the food. To distract them I also carried a compromised flask of wine with me while I ate the food within the bowl. This confused them to believe there may be either a trap within the food but after finding the drink their vigilance was pointed towards the drink instead. It was unknown which was dangerous so the only way to test out either was to make someone consume them first rather than risk poisoning themselves. If they did not fall for the distraction and consumed one of them then I would be the one to test both for them as I was their captive. The main deciding factor within the plan was that I had already planned ahead to provide a way to escape the ropes or any other restraints but most important was using something that I have immunity against while the northerners do not."

She looked towards the blood shadow group and continued. "Every plan has its own layers to help increase the rate of success. The acting is important to each situation to protect yourself and direct how things go but recognising how the enemy will react towards you or certain events is just as important. Please note that I did not escape until I was sure that everyone had consumed enough of the soup or the drink because I needed to be sure that they had all been within my control before I could subdue or kill them. Of course I could use a simple and direct method to defeat my enemy but it would be easier to be detected if I tried to infiltrate their surroundings and then retreat. The greater your enemy and their vigilance the more you need a more complex plan to distract their eyes away from your true purpose."

The leader of the northern group revealed a look of hatred in his eyes. "Defeated by a child just like that… just because of a drink and our own food.."

Meanwhile the blood shadow groups eyes began to shine as they began to digest their gains after listening to Ki's explanation.

Ki waved her arm and gestures for the blood shadow group to act immediately. "Once they are restricted bring them back to the village, list the severity of their crimes and hand them over to the law department."

The blood shadow group bowed before Ki in a servile manner and then quickly carried out their duties.

As the group escorted the prisoners and the passed out man on the ground towards the village Ki stood in place and closed her eyes as she held out her hand which held the flask.

The lid of the flask was now off once more and suddenly Ki's brows knit as she began to concentrate further.

Her mouth opened and several tiny things that weren't visible to the naked eye began to find their way up her throat and then out of her mouth as they dropped back into the flask.

After she felt no more abnormalities within her body she placed the lid back on the flask and placed it on her waist once more.

As a Gu master she could not be harmed by another Gu worm even if it was under the control of another Gu master because she had her own silkworm Gu to protect her body from other parasite based techniques.

She was able to use her immunity as the main part of her scheme against her enemies this time because of her immunity and trick them all into putting a vitality gu in their body.

Even if she would be affected by the Gu worms she was in complete control of every one of them within her body and they would not activate unless they had been given the order to and the ones in her enemies body would also be triggered upon her command individually depending on the enemies actions.

If they all did not follow her orders then they would have ended up like the man who was drained and near death but many of them would surely have been shown no mercy so would of died.

Since it was something they did not understand the northerners naturally had greater fear towards Ki and did not resist anymore.

Even if they had their pride to protect they did not wish to die such meaningless deaths so surrendered themselves.

After everything was dealt with, Ki directed her silkworm Gu to direct the vitality gu back out of her body.

The northerners were transported to a prison cell within the village and then the next couple of days were spent sentencing the northerners according to the crimes they had committed or the crimes that they had the intent to act upon.

The restrained prisoners were then transported to the mines to endure their punishment and their life sentences with no hope of escape because of the severity of their crimes.

After they enter the mines and the prison cells they will be separated from the females and be forced to work for six days with one day of rest in every week.

They were not allowed contact with females so the chances were very high that those with very long sentences had no hope of producing any offspring to carry out their bloodline.

Once their bloodline was cut off then they would have no way to pass on their cycle of hatred unless they managed to get through to the prisoners with a short sentence to make them seek revenge.

In the end small problems may appear from sparing their lives and making them undergo punishment but the gains outweigh the losses and by the time they are released the villages forces would of grown much stronger.