Poison, blood and smoke

Ki headed forwards again towards her next target after landing several palm strikes onto several peoples body parts.

She made the best use of her small ten year old body and stayed low to avoid the enemies line of sight that was already obstructed by the mist.

As the several coloured mists travelled around they made contact with several people and entered their bodies through their mouth or nose.

Some suddenly let out gasping sounds while their eyes became bloodshot and their skin irritable as they came into contact with the white mists mixed within the red blood mist.

What followed was them clutching their throats or clawing at their eyes or scratching their skin until it began to bleed.

Some people who only had minor contact with the mist chose to remove the infected area with a knife or sword but this only caused them to lose more blood.

Some others who came into contact with the dark green mixed in with the blood mist also displayed signs of experiencing extreme amounts of pain at once either on their skin or within their body depending on how they came into contact with it.

It was like thousands of tiny ants were biting at their bodies at once and then began to multiply and spread around the body further which only helped to increase the pain they experienced.

Once the pain become so unbearable their minds shut down completely and passed out from the pain but there were many who would die from shock.

Ki travelled around the places where the mists weren't located and continued on her path to find many enemies to practice upon.

She reached into a small pouch at her waist and took out two balls, she tossed them far apart from herself to her left and right while keeping a lookout for new enemies.

She tossed another two far in front and behind herself, as they landed on the ground they soon began to release the smokey mist further in those directions spreading the radius of the mist further and obstructing the enemies vision further.

Suddenly something grabbed her from behind, silently a hand grabbed a handful of her long hair that was behind her as she ran.

This stopped her from moving forward and hurt her quite a lot after having her hair yanked suddenly.

Her eyes shone coldly and she spotted one figure each to her left and right approaching and two in front while she was being held back from behind.

A split decision was made and she removed the sword from its scabbard and twisted her body to avoid an oncoming sword and sent her sword cutting upwards as she spun around.

The sword cut her hair but she did not stop her movements and snapped her wrist to point her sword forwards into a forward thrust as her feet pushed her body forwards with all her strength and stabbed the sword into the enemies body which exited through their back.

Not even bothering to hold onto the sword she let go and looked to her left and right and used her hands to feel around for something below her wrist and a clicking noise was barely noticeable.

She raised both arms in the direction of each direction the enemies were located and her hands at her wrist bent downwards while making a fist as if pulling on something.

Something small like a needle or dart flew out of her sleeve and flew towards the two enemies that were growing closer and pierced their necks killing them instantly.

Ki did not do anything more and looked towards the hair on the ground, the long hair she and her family had spent time nourishing and carefully taking care of so she would be the beautiful young lady with pretty and curly long hair, their little daughter and granddaughter.

A look of mockery was in her eyes as she looked at the piece of long hair on the ground. 'What was I thinking… in the end the long hair ended up becoming a burden on me on my road of martial arts and could cost me my life if I encountered a more difficult enemy. The only reason I had been growing it out was to live like a young lady of my family and according to the nobles values and etiquette but what good are those things if they only serve to give me another weakness..'

Behind her two figures got close and one raised a sabre while the other a large axe and were ready to strike upon her but suddenly a figure came from behind without their notice and jumped into the air before they could respond.

In the air the figure dove onto both of their bodies as they were close to each other and each hand that contained several knife blades began to madly slash at their neck and heads as they lay on the ground after being removed from their bodies after they had stabbed them during bringing them to the ground.

The white, dark green and red mists began to continue to increase within the area and Ki began to move away from the bodies after retrieving her sword from the body.

Unknown to others but beneath the sleeves of her clothes there was a glowing red runic pattern glowing brightly and continued to grow brighter.

Ki's eyes began to show her determination as she stretched out her hand towards the red mists and they quickly rushed to her direction and began to travel up her arm and into the glowing red runic patterns.

She sat down on the ground and began to calculate in her mind the places she had missed during her assault, the locations the corpse puppet had been to and where the mists had been and then each hand pointed towards the different colour of mist.

The white mist gathered together in a big portion of it along with the mixed in blood mists and also the dark green blood mists did the same in another location.