Watchful eyes

A couple of days and nights passed by smoothly and without any interruptions.

The carriage came to a stop once more and several tents were set up outside while some people stayed within the carriages and rested there.

A fire was lit up and many people crowded around an iron cooking cauldron full of rice mixed together with sliced chicken, onions, tomatoes and minced garlic.

Nearby was a freshly dead chicken that had recently been killed, had its feathers removed, its meat removed from its body, cut up and then cooked.

The rice dish was turned over and mixed once more before Ki began to fill up the empty bowls with it and then filled her own to begin eating.

In the silence of their campsite, Ki could hear the discussions among everyone nearby as she at her food. "This will be the last chance for to have meat on our trip. If you want anything like this in the future then you need to catch something that we can cook."

The supplies of food were still high but the chickens that were brought along did not last long between so many people.

For many commoners meals that required meat were a luxury unless they had their own farm or hunted for it themselves, even then many people would rather sell their catch at a market in order to buy themselves a bag of rice that would last them longer.

Thanks to Ki's family and their resources within the village, the blood shadow groups people that accompanied her got to eat good meals that were usually rare for them to have during the journey.

Many of them who tasted Ki's cooked food couldn't help but look towards her with reverent eyes.

There had been many times when Ki had acted unlike her status required her to so many felt closer to her and their loyalty became stronger as she acted that way.

Although she had a wall up at all times she was still warm inside and showed it through subtle actions.

The act of cooking the meals was something unbefitting of her noble status but she still did it so naturally and even made enough food for them.

Most noble ladies have delicate and smooth hands and bodies that anyone could tell that they had never done any hard work on their own or encountered any hardships but Ki was different.

Her hands were rough from holding a sword and constant training just like them.

After the meal, the night sky enveloped the land in darkness and everyone went back to their tents or carriages to get some rest for the night.

The horses were resting peacefully as snoring sounds were heard from several tents.

Meanwhile not too far away a pair of watchful eyes were locked onto their camp and as they saw the group go to sleep they crept off silently.

Unknown to them another pair of watchful eyes was closely following from behind.

A small boy recalled the smell of the food and his eyes lit up in hunger but he quickly suppressed his urges to approach the camp and waited until night came as ordered.

He made his way back to a cave within the mountains and walked into the entrance then began to travel through several paths until they finally reached their destination.

Deep within the cave several people who looked rough and dressed in rugged clothing sat with weapons placed on their backs or waist and saw the boy approach. "Did you spot another easy prey kid?"

The boy nodded his head with eyes full of excitement. "It seems like a mercenary group transporting something valuable but their vigilance is low."

The leader of the group looked the most roguish among the group and grinned unpleasantly. "You had better not be wrong this time or else.."

The boy shivered in fright after hearing the leaders words. "Yes boss."

Among a group of bandits and thieves they work together for benefits and no one can be trusted.

Many young children were usually raised as thieves and scouts then exploited daily by the adults.

If they achieved good results they would be mildly rewarded but if they brought back harmful information or stole from someone troublesome then they risked the groups security and would be punished for doing so.

If a job yielded no reward after putting in lots of effort then they would also be punished.

The children usually suffer from this way of life or they grow up as cruel as those that raised them but they ever rarely are able to escape this way of life.

This group in particular were bound together because of their successes in ambushing vulnerable travellers and merchants that pass through their base hidden within the mountains.

The leader smirked and then stood up. "Are you sure they are vulnerable and you didn't get exposed?"

The boys eyes glinted coldly as his head was lowered. "Yes I confirmed it. They were snoring and I got away without them noticing."

A cold female voice echoed within the cave. "Wrong."

As the voice echoed several smoke bombs were thrown out at their feet and up to twenty or thirty people inside the cave were startled.

A tightening of a string was heard within the confusion ever so slightly and then the release of the string as the arrows flew into the crowd.

Three arrows flew out at the same time and headed towards the group of bandits but before they even reached the targets another set of three arrows were placed on the bow as the strings tightened again before releasing.

Within a couple of seconds the bandits had gone from confident to confused and then scared and angry as their men were fired upon.

More than eight of them were either wounded or died after being impaled by an arrow and they still kept firing without the slightest pause.

They were grouped together so they could not properly avoid the arrows within the enclosed space within the caves open space that they had filled up with their big numbers.

The leader regained his senses and grabbed the boy by the throat and lifted his body in the air to shield him from fire. "This is all your fault. You fool! Everyone! Attack and reach the passages so we can escape! Be prepared for any number of enemies."

A female voice echoed within the cave once more. "Try to escape. It only makes this game all the more fun."