Evil flame qi growth

Ki knew very well of the evil yin sects characteristics and how they were able to grow at such a rapid speed in her previous life.

To be able to go back to one's youth and gain strength was enough of a reason to commit evil deeds and harm many young ladies for a lot of people.

After their first couple of kills they no longer felt any remorse and only craved more yin qi to further increase their youthfulness.

In the later years the evil yin sect would be built from the separated forces within various noble families, organisations, gangs, mercenary groups or even various forms of businesses and was able to gain control of most of the smaller to medium sized groups but also had their own people within groups of a larger size and established their power and influence which helped the sect leader to establish a firm foothold as a key member of the unorthodox alliance.

Ki looked at the tents and carriages then frowned as she turned to the remaining blood shadow group members that were cleaning up the dead bodies and the surrounding campsite. "Collect the bodies and anything flammable and pile them all up together in the middle of the road. Anything of value or that provides any additional information will be brought back with us so collect everything to bring back. Any horses that were not injured can be taken back with us but the others can be killed and drained of their blood with your abilities. After you are done with them place them on the pile along with everything else including the tents and carriage parts."

While horses or other animals have more vitality within their bodies than humans they still have their uses so while some that were still healthy and useful would be spared the injured ones would be killed and drained of their blood.

The blood shadow group all began to dismantle the carriages and placed the wood and anything useless to them near the pile of dead bodies.

Whether it was the axe or the transcendent martial artist or the two short sword or the peak martial artist and their belongings or the other mercenaries valuables or weapons they were immediately taken away before the bodies were placed on the pile in the middle of the road.

Ki placed her palm on Marilyn's shoulder and spoke once more. "I have one final job for you tonight."

Marilyn opened her eyes and stopped practicing her qi art then spoke. "Okay but then you will explain the reason for attacking so suddenly."

Ki rolled her eyes and then spoke calmly. "Of course."

After a short time had passed and their carriages had came from the forest area and slowly approached but stopped at a safe distance and the blood shadow group had completed their mission, Ki turned her head towards Marilyn and pointed towards the pile in the middle of the road. "Your job is to get rid of all of the evidence from now on so burn it all."

Marilyn's eyes expressed her understanding after she thought for a moment and then walked towards the pile of bodies and items and placed her palm on the edge of the pile.

Her hand once more was enveloped with the evil flame qi as she once again began to use her palm technique.

The fire spread out from her palm and began to spread and devour everything in its path as it greedily burnt everything in its path.

Whether it was the dead bodies of the transcendent or peak master, the many dead mercenaries, the dead horses or the wood from the carriages or anything else within the pile in the middle of the road all of it was burned by the evil flame qi at a fast speed.

More than twenty minutes had passed and finally all of it had been reduced to flame and ash and was then swept away by the wind as the evil flame qi returned to her dantain once more.

Upon checking the state of her body once more she could tell that the fuel given to her flame this time had helped it to increase at a rapid rate so she ran back to her carriage to use her qi art to stabilise her qi and refine it to the best of her ability so that she does not damage her foundation that she has built.

Although she was growing at a rapid rate after learning this martial art she still did not forget that if she advances too quickly and does not stabilise her foundation then she will encounter more difficulties in breaking through a higher realm in the future.

She could use a high quantity of qi to break through her realm now but it was best to also increase her control of her qi and increase its overall quality so she can break through her limits or the walls in front of her with less effort involved and then as she progresses further she will not encounter any difficulties as she breaks through the later limits or walls before her.

It's like using a low quality sledge hammer to break down a wall, after several collisions the sledgehammer may break down before the wall is brought down and then a replacement has to be used to complete the task and the sledgehammers in the persons possession would be used to complete the task until eventually they either runs out of sledgehammers in their possession and have failed to break through the wall or they were lucky enough to break it before they ran out.

However if they used a higher quality sledgehammer, the difficulty of breaking through the wall would be smaller and the chances of the sledgehammer breaking before the wall was broken down was also smaller so by the time it had been broken down the owner still has sledgehammers spare.

Although qi can be replenished just like tools by the time it has been refilled the progress someone has made to breakthrough would no longer remain and they would have to start again from scratch so if they failed then they would need either more qi or a higher quality of qi within their dantain in order to successfully break through.

Using the same method when facing the next wall which is much sturdier and thicker the difficulty to break through would also increase so the better the quality of the qi and the better the quantity the better the rate of success would be.

After burning up any evidence and the evil flame qi was absorbed into Marilyn's body once more and she had hid herself inside the carriage, Ki walked over to Raven who had been waiting patiently at a safe distance away and climbed on top of her once more.

She raised her hand to their air and signalled those behind her to begin moving forward once again and the group disappeared further up the road leaving behind a large black scorch mark in the middle of the road that was the only evidence left to show that they had passed through.

Meanwhile the young lady that was part of the group had been gagged and restrained within one of the carriages but just in case she tries to draw attention to the carriage she had been given a sedative to keep her in a deep sleep.