Back home

It didn't take long before the group was near the village once more and the carriages entered the forests safe area.

They waited until night came within the forest until the village became quiet and less people were outside.

In order to reduce the witnesses to their return in the carriages they returned to the road as night came and then headed towards the gate and Ki rode ahead to alert those at the gate of their arrival.

As soon as she arrived the gates were quietly opened and the carriages passed through the village quickly before passing through the next gate on the inner wall.

It wasn't long before Ki and the others had arrived back at the Bombyx families mansion and began to store and lock away everything safely before everyone went back to their homes to rest for the night.

The next morning Ki went to meet up with Isaac before she did anything else.

Knowing his abilities to see the change of karma on her body she decided that it would be best if he could check the state of herself after she had changed fate in such a big way.

She was no fool, she knew that her decision to raid the tomb would cause great changes within the world and she would also gain a lot but at the same time she would have to walk on thin ice from now on.

Ki changed her dark clothes into a powder blue dress and she was dressed neatly as she took a sip of the tea from the cup in front of her. "So.. have you noticed any changes?"

Isaac closed his eyes and then opened them again as a layer of light flickered in his eyes.

He examined the aura that surrounded Ki's body and looked a little shocked. "Your good karma has grown by a huge amount that I have to doubt what you have done during this time away. From what I can read there will be great danger ahead because of this, in order to avoid any danger involving what comes next we need to plan out how we will handle what you have gained in a safe way. One wrong move can cause all that we have built to collapse in one go so we cannot afford any leaks. Who would know of what you did?"

Ki looked seriously at him and then spoke. "You have confirmed my own thoughts on this matter, the Estrella family and the martial alliance will know what I have done and will already be investigating within their territory already but it will take some time before they can mobilise their outside forces to begin their investigation. We have gained many treasures, weapons, money and resources from raiding a dead martial artists tomb so we need to carefully utilise the resources to stabilise our forces and build some private elite groups behind the scenes for various places. As for the treasures we can put them up for sale in various places through the black markets auction house but we cannot sell them in bulk all at once because we may get noticed by the martial alliances people. We can not expand our business and organisations recklessly during this time and should show on the surface that we are continuing to act as we normally would. One of our biggest problems right now is also our link to the divine ice sect so we need to make sure those who have been taught the ice martial arts do not expose themselves so I will solve this problem myself. As for everything else I will leave it to you to draw up a plan and get Evie to help with the treasury work and documentation while you discuss with Miranda a plan to further stabilise our current business platforms and where else to invest a little of the money we got without seeming suspicious in the eyes of outsiders."

While the family did have its own private money to be able to expand the businesses and purchase many things it would still be suspicious if they changed the way they handled their affairs especially during this time.

During the investigation of the martial alliance the families affairs could not appear out of place in any way whether it be expanding recklessly as if they had recently gained something or being overly cautious like they had something to hide.

After discussing some vague plans with Ki, she then left the room and then Isaac looked at her back as she left and let out a sigh. 'This time she has really done something amazing for the family but also created a big restriction on the families actions for the next couple of years in order to not be caught by the martial alliance.'

During the next couple of days everything was being stored away and Evie began to put to use what she had learned over the years.

She wrote down logs of everything within storage to keep track of what would be inside the treasury room that had been built within the mansion.

Some of the items were moved to Ki's research room for research or cultivation purposes and others were moved to the herb fields for replanting.

Some weapons were distributed to the other members of the blood shadow group and the white wolf group to upgrade what they were currently using while Ki set aside several weapons for the heads of each departments or organisations head.

Ki sent word to different places that a conference would be scheduled within a week to discuss the future plans of each department or group.

Within her private research room there were various types of jars containing different types of Gu worms and mixtures of herbs and poisons.

Ki was reading through her notes on who within various places were practicing the divine ice sects martial arts and then removed a Gu worms from the jars and put it into a small vial of water.

She then wrote a name on the label and the location of their workplace or where they are living and attached them to each vial of water one at a time.

During her time back at the mansion, she had been helping with drawing up plans on how to act in the future but also began to keep track of those who were practicing the divine ice sects martial arts in secret.

In order to avoid anyone accidentally revealing their icy qi to the public if they were suddenly attacked or harassed by someone and being discovered by the martial alliance, Ki chose from her Gu worms a type that would help with stopping them from revealing their icy qi when they are fighting.