Continued progress

Ki then turned to face the reaper and spoke. "While you will gain a boost in power after consuming your qi boosting pill, you still need to develop the organisation under you to be able to grow large enough to survive in the world. There are forces that are too strong that do not conform with your ideals that you may encounter in the future but you cannot provoke them due to your weakness and your organisations members being so weak too. So for now I suggest you only take missions in order to gain some experience and focus on training while the rest of your people do the same. If possible find those with enough talent and loyalty and create an elite group within your organisation and teach them your martial arts. A ranking system based on achievements would also be helpful to keep your members motivated and reward those that have been working with you for a long time and have continued to complete missions successfully."

The reapers are not a strong assassin organisation compared to others within the world and could not be considered to be strong if their overall members were included.

The reapers strength should be considered to be around third or second rate martial artist right now but that did not mean he could not assassinate those stronger than him if the right conditions were in place.

However most of the other regular members could be considered as cannon fodder, over the years not every person came back alive or uninjured after taking a mission.

If this continued for a long time without improvement then the organisation would crumble along with its beliefs just like her previous life so they needed to begin creating a ranking system within their organisation to reward their loyal and best members but also to offer them more opportunities to grow stronger and climb the rankings.

If they stand out enough then they would be able to work directly under the reaper and take special missions so they would need to undergo direct tutelage under the reaper to learn his qi arts and martial arts.

In order to make up some of the weakness over the years, some members of the blood shadow group had moved over to the reapers so they could help to increase the groups overall strength and find a place to hone their strength with their blood sects qi art while they can also gain more experience with assassination.

After replacing the missing blood shadow groups members back to fifty along with Rashida as their leader and training the new members from scratch, their overall strength had been replenished over the years and the previous members had become higher members within the reaper organisation.

However the previous blood shadow group members could not learn the reapers qi art and were not officially full members of the organisation like the others because they still answered to Ki's orders above all.

The reaper needed high ranked people around or under him that could help to boost the organisations overall strength that also shared his organisations martial arts characteristics so that he would also be less identifiable if he went out on a mission personally.

The reaper looked towards Ki and then nodded as he had agreed with her words. "I have a couple of people in mind so I will begin teaching them immediately."

Ki replied as she wished to end the discussion and move onto the next subjects. "Okay, keep me informed of everything in the future."

Ki then turned to Rashida, Evie and Leon and spoke as she also looked towards Spencer briefly. "Your tasks for the future is to keep training to the best of your abilities along with increasing your own groups strength and familiarity. The white wolves will protect the village when needed and assist with the law department if they do not have the strength to handle a certain case. The blood shadows will handle anything that needs immediate action to subdue or kill someone if the law cannot stop them from harming the village. As for the treasurer you will rarely leave as it is not required in your role but it couldn't hurt to nurture a couple of people who can work directly under you so I will try to arrange around five people to begin working directly under you that have some talent in martial arts."

Leon shrugged as he did not understand most of the organisations and departments under his sisters command. "The white wolves are working well together now and I am sure they will get even stronger in the future."

During this year Leon had seen more blood, combat and confrontation between the invading forces and the families forces and had become less scared of injuring others as he began to participate in several missions with the white wolf elite group.

Although he had gained more experience he was yet to be considered a battle hardened veteran but at least he had improved himself over the years and gained experience.

As the eldest son of the family many things were still expected of him even if Ki was considered as the heir.

With his liking for animals and martial arts he was most suited to leading and being a part of the white wolf group over any other group.

Rashida looked towards the brother and sister and let out a snort. "You don't have to worry about me. I am sure that it will not be long before I am able to reach the next stage of my training."

Over the years her blood Buddha qi art and her body tempering had reached its limit and thanks to the constant battle experience and constantly replenished vitality she felt that it would not be long before she could reach the next realm.

As for the members under her they were not any slower in growth because of the growth of their blood qi which had been constantly gathered and refined over the years while they continued to train their body and martial arts.

Out of anyone the blood shadow group was the one group that showed the most progress but the nature of their martial arts and mystical arts could not be revealed to the public.

Evie quietly nodded her head as if agreeing with Ki's words, as Ki's second direct disciple she had been trained by her personally and learned both poison arts, various means of palm arts, dagger arts and throwing techniques along with her Gu arts so her progress was not any slower than Leon but she still had yet to mature so she was unable to consume the qi boosting pill yet just like Leon.

Although she had not yet experienced a life and death battle she had been personally trained by Ki so was able to make up for various flaws she had with her help and strict training.

She would not face any problems in the future because her job as the head treasurer did not require her to leave the village that often unless Ki brought her outside directly.