Evil and mysterious fairy

The next morning the mansion was running according to how they usually did once more.

After Ki came out of her secluded training everyone noticed her change.

Her skin was fairer and not a single flaw could be detected on her body as her muscles had become more compact to suit her body more making her more ladylike and less muscle bound.

Most people who did the same raining as a Ki would end up having enlarged and inelastic muscles, as from excessive exercise making her body more rigid and inelastic.

This did not suit her martial arts so while her muscles were more compact that helped her with less rigid movements and she is able to stretch her body and maximise her flexibility that she had trained from early on in her training.

Over the years she had been showing signs of becoming more rigid from excess training but after undergoing the bone metamorphosis her body had grown taller, her waist looked slimmer but the muscles on her body were more defined and did not destroy her beauty, in fact it only enhanced it.

After stretching her body she could tell that her flexibility had reached its best state once more and she could make better use of her body to perform her martial arts and reach a whole new stage.

For once she had dressed up in her powder blue silk dress while she was staying with her family.

If she kept her hair long then many would be greatly attracted to her beauty and figure but even with short hair she still could charm a great many people.

The bloodline of the Bombyx family was not something that could be looked down upon, while they were originally merchants that rose up in influence within the capital a long time ago they still had one of the ladies of the family marry into the imperial family to the emperor as a concubine.

This proves that the women of the family had to of been beautiful in their own way that would make the emperor attracted to her.

After Agnes had regained her youthful appearance she had showed that she was very beautiful in her youth but in the end she chose to focus on her work while her health and appearance suffered a little over the years.

Even her sister who had appeared a little more younger in appearance had clad herself in jewels and clothes that did not really suit her because she was just following the nobles trends and not dressing up to highlight her own best features.

Elizabeth did come from a noble family so she had inherited her good looks from her family too so when she gave birth to Ki, Ki had inherited a few her mothers best features but mostly inherited the Bombyx families looks from her grandmother.

However it wasn't just the effects of the bone metamorphosis that had made her look so special in the eyes of those who saw her.

It was her aura which carried a special feeling of being an existence that should not be approached carelessly but also contained a little of an evil feeling hidden deep within.

The smell from her body made those close to her feel relaxed like they had returned to nature and were laying underneath a tree but also the beauty mark enhanced her beauty and mysterious aura to another level while her hair style added a little more edge to her appearance while showing off her facial features more.

Her powder blue dress went well with her blue grey eyes and brown wavy hair and the final result made many people who were looking at her from afar mistake her for a fairy.

However Ki up close was unmistakably an evil and mysterious fairy that many could not read the slightest emotion or intention from.

Ki sat opposite Agnes once again and spoke. "How long do I have to wait until you can get a hold of someone you can trust with this task?"

Agnes placed her hand on her chin while in thought then answered. "I believe they will arrive as scheduled outside the village so how are your preparations?"

Ki nodded and then asked further. "What are their details?"

Agnes replied. "They are a small mercenary and travelling trading group that has contacts with the city past the fortress on the other side of the border. They have sometimes worked with the family in the past on various things. Those from that city and the nearby villages benefitted a lot from their cooperation with the divine ice sect in the past because while they did offer up their girls to be raised in the sect they gained various means of support from the divine ice sect and also were allowed to pass through the border if they intended to pass through for trading purposes. It is the second most prosperous place in the northern lands thanks to their ability to trade but the first still remains the capital of the north where the northern king lives. After the divine ice sect was destroyed and another group took over the fortress while they still allow trading I doubt that they will be as lenient to those passing through the border as those before them so I hope that you will dress in order to hide your appearance and possibly your gender when you go out and expect to lose a thing or two in exchange for your safe passage through the border."

Ki nodded. "Do not worry grandmother. I originally planned to dress up to fit the situation anyways."

Agnes smiled and looked relieved. "Good. You just need to mix in with the group and they will take care of you."

During this journey the biggest problem would be passing the border and fortress that is occupied by the northern warlord sect.

Unlike the divine ice sect they would not be so willing to let people pass through without paying some sort of price.

Many travelling traders or mercenary groups that had travelled through the borders in the past would of been intimidated to give up some of their supplies, something of value or even a person just so that they could pass through without being attacked or robbed of everything they have.