Each other’s goals

While Ki was returning to the family mansion, the sect leader began to think over everything on his own within his room.

If everything went as Ki had said then the sect would need a reform and there may be some who would be resistant to change.

He could use this as an opportunity to get rid of some troublesome elements within the sect and the other factions that were forming to overthrow him.

After thinking about it for the night he had decided to go ahead with what she had suggested and in the process he could get rid of some of his enemies that were within the sect.

Now that Ki had control of all of the strongest and most important people within the sect he could ask a favour of her in order to make things go more smoothly.

The next day he sent a trusted subordinate to the outside of the forest to leave his answer.

Meanwhile Ki had several things be set up for the new arrivals whether it be the twins or the new disciples of the destroyed divine ice sect.

She also had arranged several things to be regularly transported to slate city for the time being to trade for various things or to recruit some more disciples.

Alf was also using his contacts to get in touch with any known musicians or music teachers from the north and also was looking for several different types of good condition instruments.

Ki hoped that while she was learning to play a three stringed lyre type of instrument to play a type of dark folk music that was popular in the north and especially in their capital she would be able to gain some familiarity with it enough so that she could use it during her coming of age ceremony.

Since Rayleigh already had a music teacher and had some skills, learning from a northern music teacher would be not hurt her too much and in fact would help her learn another form or style of music different from what she was used to.

Meanwhile Lumi was still lacking when it came to learning an instrument so Ki thought it would be best if she could learn something simpler like playing a drum.

Even if Rayleigh did not join with her flute skills, the combination of the lute and drums would be enough to put on a small performance.

Arranging many things within and outside of the village many things began to fall into place one after another.

The message soon arrived at Ki's room and she began to read through it calmly. "So he wishes to go ahead with what I told him but there is a catch… as always people will always get greedy and try to make the most out of their situation."

She did not like that she was being used by the sect leader in order to sort out his own mess but at the same time she could not simply ignore his request.

If the sect was in a mess or came under new leadership, a fight would break out in order to secure the position for that person and many would die within that battle.

If the sect gets weakened through the battle it would be better if one side suffers the loss rather than both sides almost destroying one another and leaving behind a sect which needs a very long time in order to reach their former glory.

If that happens they may lose their place within the sect grounds and would be forced to retreat to their old sect grounds once again.

Before long a new group would probably take its place which would be troublesome for her still so she had no choice but to offer a helping hand.

Although she would not act personally there were always ways to tip the balance of the battle in the sect leaders favour now that she had implanted the Gu worms within their bodies.

Just like how her enemies were seeking to gain something she would do the same and wrote a letter to be sent back.

Right away after completing it she went towards the wall and sneaked back into the sect grounds and left the letter under the sect leaders door.

The letter said. [If you wish to deal with it then I can provide you with a way to subdue your opponents but in return I want them delivered to me alive and restrained afterwards since they won't be able to use their strength at that time if you can let me know who to subdue and act upon.]

Since all of those with high strength or position could have their qi suppressed then it would be easy to subdue and capture them one by one within the sect grounds before the others noticed.

Once they were gone and the followers lost their support they would have no choice but to follow the sect leader once again.

As for what would be done with the bodies that was something only Ki would know about.