Myra no more

Within the back alley of the brothel it was poorly lit and a cloaked figure which was shaped like a young teenage lady stood waiting.

The place was filled with silence until hurried footsteps grew closer and the sound of someone's excited and hurried breathing was heard.

The family head turned around the corner and saw the cloaked figure then the greedy and ruthless look in his eyes was quickly suppressed.

He walked towards the cloaked figure and put on the appearance of a loving father who was doting is his favourite child. "Myra where have you been child? Don't you know how worried I have been about you? Come back with me."

As he got closer though his act was beginning to fall as his outstretched hand went to forcefully grab onto the girl who took a step back to avoid his touch.

He immediately became angered. "You ungrateful child. Come here now!"

As an unrestrained realm martial artist he tried to use his qi to make sure that she did not escape but suddenly something was wrong with his body.

One reason why he previously had a high place in the Unorthodox Alliance was because of his families resources, their loyalty and their control in the north previously and the only reasons why he was spared was because he was still a little useful as someone who had a connection to Myra so they could attempt to use him to capture her but the other reason that his strength was still of some use to them even if it was a little useful.

Although his use wasn't as important as their trained martial artists he could still be used as a much smaller pawn in their plans in the near future.

His strength was nowhere near what other martial artists in his realm were because he had raised his strength after purchasing and using the affiliated alchemy sect's illegal qi boosting pills to increase his strength to his current realm.

However in front of a young girl who had yet to achieve the peak or transcendent realm because of her young age and inexperience, he was able to easily subdue her with his strength.

However he did not expect that things were not going according to plan, he was confident in his strength which was why he left his home without any guards and stayed within the brothel so he did not bring anyone with him when he came to meet his daughter in a hurry.

Suddenly a chill went down his back as he was unable to use his qi. "How.. what?"

The silent figure in front of him rushed forward and revealed a masked face under the cloak and quickly attacked him while he was shocked and confused over the sudden unusual situation in his body.

Several people appeared within the back alley and knocked him out then dragged his body into an unmarked carriage.

A small voice spoke up towards one of the cloaked figures. "What do you want to be done about the brothel and the people? What about your siblings and the young women that have become his victims?"

A cold voice replied. "Save the manager and provide her a place to work or live out the rest of her life. If she wishes to bring some others with her arrange that too… as for my brothers or sisters and their mothers, save them. They will not survive the fight for the inheritance against his wife."

Ki replied. "Do not worry, I have already taken steps to find and arrange everything. It will soon be carried out and they will not be discovered. I will arrange a new life for each person but if you need help with your business I can always arrange some of them to remain close to you to assist you by your side."

Another genuine smile appeared on Rayleigh's face behind her mask as she whispered softly. "Thank you."

Ki shook her head and calmly responded. "No problem. It's what I should do."

They both got inside of the carriage that disappeared into the night as it gained further distance from the brothel.

Now Rayleigh was slowly taking a different path to the Myra Wraith or Snow Fairy that Ki had met in her previous life and her large icy wall that she placed around her was slowly beginning to crack or melt away but there was still one thing that needed to be solved before she could completely abandon her old blood connection.

The bodies of several people were being interrogated within a small underground dungeon and spilling all of their secrets after cracking under the torture that they had to endure.

Meanwhile another person was dragged into a private room and chained up.

In the dark room, the door opened and two figures walked inside.

One stood back while the other approached the unconscious body of the chained man and put some smelling salts under his nose which made him frown then awaken from his slumber.

As he saw the two young teenage girls take off their cloak and masks revealing their beautiful appearance, he shouted towards Rayleigh after recognising her a little. "Myra, you unfilial little girl! Get me out of here right now! What do you think will happen if I go missing? Many people will come looking for me."

Rayleigh sighed and replied coldly with a hint of sarcasm. "They won't and even if they do they will only be after you to make sure that you have not run away and are really dead. Unfilial? Do not make me laugh. You have never once acted as a father to me."

The family head scoffed and retorted. "I brought you into my home, fed and clothed you. You got to live beyond your station and this is the thanks you gave me?!"

Rayleigh silently stood for a moment and then chuckled. "Fed and clothed? When? How come I do not remember? Did I ever live in luxury when I lived in that house? No I did not! I starved and was cold while I was inside a broken down and abandoned part of your home that would not be suitable for even animals to live in. Then you still wished to use me after years of suffering under your wife and children?"

The family head faltered for a moment under her sarcastic remarks but recovered quickly. "You… you ungrateful child. Myra let me out!"

Rayleigh sighed as she looked down at his miserable appearance. "In the end you still do not give me any surprise that makes me think you will change. Forget it. You will be the last person to call me that name. Farewell."

She turned to Ki and said as she was leaving the room. "Before he dies I want him to lose anything that can be lost. Torture him and find all of his hidden away stash or his secretly affiliated businesses or underground dealings and either destroy, rob or take over them"

The family heads eyes widened as he knew what was going to happen. "You ruthless bitch! Get back here… no.. stop…. Please come back! Myra!"

As the door closed his screams and shouts were blocked from being heard as Ki began to torture him slowly.