Confirmation and mothers worries

The very idea of the increase of mystical arts users and mystical weapons or tools being a possibility but also new types of mystical powers made Ki pleased.

She couldn't help but approve of the research so that it could progress further, although her own blood and Gu mystic arts had a limited amount of abilities and may become useless later…

In fact their abilities had always been best used to support her in combat for more of an area of effect damage but also to collect the blood from her surroundings without the need to use the blood to strengthen her body further because she did not need to be strengthened temporarily by it in the battles that she has had.

The blood leader ability that lets her hold other blood mystical users lives in her hands that were created using her own blood within the materials was also another ability that was only to be used in times of betrayal so it had yet to be used on those that were practicing the blood sects martial qi art under her command.

The Gu worm mystical art was unique in its own way that allowed her to use various Gu worms that were consumed and stayed within certain individuals bodies and would remain dormant until she ordered her own silk moth Gu to get them to activate and perform the task they were designed for.

She did not have a habit of using manipulation based Gu worms and instead had a direct way of using only the vitality Gu and qi suppressing Gu to either defeat an enemy or make them in a position where they would have to surrender or not betray her for fear that she would trigger the Gu in their bodies.

The brain Gu was also a singular Gu that could only be used by one person on one person or corpse but it had its usefulness for creating a useful corpse puppet that could assist her in combat.

Even the most practical use of her silk moth Gu was that it produced a lot of special silk that was very durable the more that she and it grew together.

If she were to identify the uses then the blood leader, vitality Gu were vitality draining based abilities that were intended to be used against traitors but the vitality gu and qi suppressing Gu could also be used against enemies in secret to later work with plans to make use of or kill them.

The blood manipulation would only usually be good for gathering the blood in the area and using it to disrupt her enemies movements but Ki mainly uses it to assist her noxious arts, although it is a deadly ability used by her it is still a support type of ability along with the blood storage ability and her own silk moths ability to sense and track down those that have a Gu worm in their bodies if they are in a certain range.

The brain Gu is one of the more useful but forbidden Gu worms but provides her an additional helper during combat and the blood strengthening is a berserker based ability that grants additional but temporary strength, speed, stamina and endurance to the body in exchange for consuming the surrounding or stored vitality.

As a power boosting ability it would have its drawbacks and leave the host physically weak after using too much power beyond the bodies limits or using it for too long.

Each ability had their own purpose and had a great supporting effect for Ki so even after hearing about the possibility of new abilities she did not regret her choice of mystical arts.

Even as she grows stronger, most of her abilities would still prove to be useful and if connected to a sword and puppet capable of additional mystical arts then it would be very difficult for her to be killed.

After thinking for some time, she turned to Isaac and said. "Ask the blacksmithing twins to use their practice materials and find out a way to produce a high grade set of tools for embroidery. Give them some of the toughest silk in my collection so that they can test their products on. Preferably I would like a set of sewing, weaving and cutting tools. If possible we may have to involve them with this project too but do not mention it so soon. Just see if you can get them to produce some random engravings on their weapons as practice to prepare them for the real task."

Isaac bowed as he lead the old man out of the room "Do not worry, we will definitely produce results."

Isaac believed in his genius but he also believed in the old man's love and interest that he put towards his job so he couldn't help but be sure that if they combined their enthusiasm and brains then they would soon be able to do something that others may not have been able to do for a very long time.

Perhaps there was such people in the past who many times had the drive and the brains capable of producing such results but the restrictions made by the central capital made it difficult for them to complete their work and others who did have access to the mystical arts did not have the suitable environment to research it further and had lost their ancient teachings or heritage so their knowledge of their past was limited.

Ki went to meet her parents and grandmother to spent a little more family time with them.

Whether it was the past or even now, she was constantly busy and pushing herself so her relationship with her family at times was a little distant.

It wasn't until after her sisters birth that she began to pay more attention to them and care for her sister more.

When she was training outside or walking around the mansion she had somehow developed a tail.

Of course this 'tail' was of course her little sister.

The moment she began learning to crawl or walk she would follow Ki everywhere which softened her a little.

Although she was not a normal sister who was close with her little sister, she did have a lot of patience towards her and acted as a guardian like figure to her as she grew up and did the small tasks of feeding, cleaning and keeping her entertained.

She had always been strict on her brother so that he grows up tougher and loses his naivety because he is the eldest son but also because of her fear of losing him once again.

She still had that fear towards the same happening to her sister but she had yet to reach the right age to begin teaching her so during their playtime she usually let her chase her silk moth Gu worm so that her sister could get more exercise during the early stages of her life so that she grows up healthy.

Elizabeth looked at her daughter who looked all grown up and seemed to have everything figured out in life but she could help but worry as a mom that her daughter was too unapproachable and spent too much time on work matters rather than her own personal life.

After her visit to the north, she had hoped her daughter would loosen up a little after going to the outside world but instead she came back with even more purpose and resolve than before to work on herself some more.

Whether it was her research, her training, assisting others with their breakthroughs or learning a new instrument, she was often busy with one of these things and never had any time for herself or to have fun.

If she knew her mothers thoughts, Ki would simply think.. 'Mother… I am having fun in my own way. See? I am learning music? That is something new right?'