Fates pawn

Still.. with all of her calculations and predictions, there was a limit on what she could and could not do.

If she overdoes it and her family are noticed to be showing signs of abnormality by the Estrella family then perhaps they would become a target much earlier.

The ability to predict a large amount of deaths through their observations and calculations will lead them to predict the flow of what Bernard had shown them to be happening within the north when a disaster strikes like her previous life.

Many will be expected to die and chaos will follow.

If the other great families are able to gather information within her territory but also get a clear headcount of the casualties then problems will arise if Ki and the family put everything that they have into saving everyone that they can and the great families begin to notice the unusual difference between their information gathered and what has been predicted.

This big difference would then point towards her family, making them a suspect for the previous incidents but also having been concealed by someone with the Estrella families bloodline.

The only people outside would be their daughter which could make her family a suspect of working with the traitor of the family who has not shown herself in a long time but will also give them another possibility.

If they notice that there may be a connection between Bernard and the Bombyx family, even if the suspicion is small then they may be able to connect the previous things and identify her family as the ones behind their previous losses.

The location of the Bombyx family is far too coincidental to link them with the missing Divine Ice Sect inheritance which will also lead to other things being investigated.

Once they grew suspicious, Ki believed that she would not get another day of rest so long as they were still trying to confirm their theory.

The possibility of them plotting against her, her family or her businesses would also be something they would be capable of doing even if they only had a suspicion but no evidence.

From then on she would have to cut off all connections with her private organisations that are in the dark and leave them to grow and fend for themselves until the time is right.

The best way to handle the disaster would be to prepare thoroughly to reduce the risk to her own people and their families but also use her Herb Pavilion as a means to provide aide to those who need it.

The price for treatment would be reduced to help treat those who could pay a small fee but there would also be other things like medicinal soups that would be reduced that used more common herbs to fight off various illnesses.

This was the limit of what she could do and after removing some unnecessary stores, she was able to manage where best to offer aide to without suffering heavy losses or running the risk of attracting too much attention.

Ki sat back while filtering through her memories of this time.

Even she had a vague understanding of what was going to happen from her experience but as an elder of the Blood Sect, she was able to read through many of their past information.

She opened her eyes and spoke in a cold tone. "A disaster is the perfect opportunity for various influences to make a move. The next Blood Sect leader will be rising to his position soon and is reaching the completion of his martial arts. What follows next is obvious… the Unorthodox Alliance will be conserving their strength at this time while the Devil Sect have yet to show themselves."

The biggest problem during the disaster was that there would be mass chaos and hysteria in various cities that will be receiving many sick and dying people that have come from nearby villages that have been flooded.

During this chaos… there would be a chance for people with ill intentions to make a move but for them to do so they would need to gain something.

Nothing much could be gained for most of the influences except recruiting those in a desperate enough situation but even then the Devil Sect and the Unorthodox Alliance were unmoved and continued to conserve their strength while waiting for another opportunity.

Ki spoke again coldly. "Unrestrained blood… is it around this time that it began?"

The Blood Sect leader was a difficult person to kill in her previous life because of his high vitality and even her most deadly and undetectable poison that she could make took some time work on him completely.

During her time within the Blood Sect, the leader was already within the Bright Realm otherwise known as the profound realm but he continued to consume the blood of many Unrestrained martial artists.

If she had to guess his strength then it was probably at the peak of the Bright Realm before his death.

As someone who is twenty or more years older than her and has been stuck within the peak of the Unrestrained Realm, according to the records that she had read in the Blood Sect, it should be around the time that he will begin to break through.

To help his breakthrough be more smooth but also to stock up on greater amounts of precious blood, he will use the chaos to hide his peoples actions.

Many known Unrestrained martial artists will begin to go missing during the disaster without anyone noticing anything wrong and afterwards it will come to light that there is something strange going on behind the scenes.

What was even more strange was that during that time, the Martial Alliance were still remaining quiet and showed no sign of investigating further…

As if… they knew something that others didn't…

As if… they knew that no matter what plots or chaos that would follow in the future, even if the era would be named as the era of villains, they would still hold their position without the need to make a move themselves.

As if… they could see that the Blood Sect leader would never have the chance to become an immortal being after completing the final breakthrough.

And… within all of that which was happening, she was the pawn that would make sure everything would not become a problem.

And once she had completed her task, they readily arranged to have her discarded.

Suddenly she was glad that she had died in such a spiteful and grand manner.

She destroyed any hopes of anyone getting anything of value after her death but also poisoned one of the Martial Alliance's Bright Realm martial artists and even exposed the Emperor under their control for practicing the Blood Qi arts which greatly reduced their prestige.

Ki's eyebrow twitched in annoyance and she continued. "I truly was the Estrella families pawn… I kept pushing myself through everything just to avenge my family and succeeded but it turns out that I was just a clown dancing in the palm of their hands this whole time. How sickening.. never again will I let my actions benefit others. Only I will be the one to profit from my own actions and I will make sure of it in the future. They can just all sit within their big walls that protect them expecting everything to go their own way while the world around them slowly changes beyond recognition. How I would love to see the panic on their faces then."

Whether it was building up the families business, the private or public organisations or jobs, taking the riches from the Evil Flame Emperors tomb, making connections with Slate City and even subduing the Northern Warlord Sect… these things have only helped herself, her family but also those within her own circle.

Those outside of that circle can only hope to get some of the leftovers only if they prove to be somewhat useful in some way whether it be as a spy, a worker within one of the businesses or even as an assassin, guard or a part of her own private army.

Those greedy enough to covet what is hers could only watch on from afar and those stupid enough to act against her for it would suffer from her wrath.

She closed her eyes again and softly spoke. "Now.. how do I do some damage to their plans when I do not have any exact names to go on… Hmm… it would be best to turn to Marilyn for this."

Since she couldn't remember who would go missing and be a target for the Blood Sect during this time then she would have to seek assistance from someone that could gather enough information from the surroundings.