Headhunter #1

In another location was another target who made a living as a killer for hire and a bounty hunter.

In most cases where a bounty reward is issued by those within the Capital, many would hunt down the people who were placed on the bounty list relentlessly to earn themselves fame and fortune.

However the life of a bounty hunter is an unstable job where one day a large sum of money could be earned from bringing in proof of their kill but the rest of their targets may have been only enough to earn a small sum.

For to purchase miracle drugs or medicines and other rare fruits, herbs or special consumables, it requires a large cost so for those putting their lives on the line to hunt bounties and sometimes having to go a long time without a successful or a very small bounty makes it all the more difficult to purchase such things and increase their strength.

Many are forced to take up other jobs in between doing their bounties just so they can afford the lifestyles they were living.

Those more desperate to escape their situation turn to more dangerous jobs and often lose their lives.

Among the options available to those people, assassination missions always have a high reward if the target is more difficult to kill and there is often information provided on the target to help the assassin complete the task and reduce the failure rate.

Such places take the requests of highly powerful clans and organisations and do not care whether their target is a good or bad person or the changes upon the world that it may bring upon their death.

Of course there are some targets that would be specified to not target in order to avoid their revenge but sometimes exceptions are made and such assassin groups are often destroyed.

Those smart enough to accept the most profitable but safe targets are able to remain in the world because they understand the hidden rules of the world.

Among them was a woman who was a murderer who collected the heads of her bounties but after getting into the assassination or hired killer job, she continued to do the same to provide proof for her tasks.

It did not matter if the target was someone frail and weak or strong, young or old, man or woman, rich or poor… their lives would be ended without a shred of mercy and all that would be left at the scene of the murder was a headless corpse that had many wounds on it lying in a pool of blood.

She adapted very quickly to her new profession and became more desperate in her pursuit for power as she became more involved with the underworld of the central lands.

She took part in black market auctions and purchased martial arts books and any miracle drugs that helped boost her strength with her money earned from the many bounty and assassination tasks that she had collected.

Her title was spread in the underworld as the headhunter and it was not long before she even began targeting Transcendent and the occasional Unrestrained realm martial artists that were on the bounty or kill lists.

She was fairly close with the assassin organisations leader so her name had been discovered by many within the underworld.

With Nox's growing influence and control behind the scenes, they were able to dig up information on her identity along with her living arrangements and environment so they had been able to plant someone by her.

Since the woman had no other interests but strength and wealth, she rarely took interest in others and especially those around her since she had long stepped into the Unrestrained realm and believed those people to be of no threat to her.

However if Nox can find out her identity then so can the Blood Sect and they can easily influence things behind the scenes.

The headhunter stepped into the office of the assassin organisation and sat opposite the leader while chatting over the recent missions and some of the organisations recent ongoings.

Suddenly she felt a little dizzy and could not use her strength so she looked up towards the leader while reaching towards him. "You traitor…"

As she was about to grab ahold of him, she collapsed and fell unconscious.

The leader sat back with a nervous and guilty look on their face and wiped the sweat from their brow. "I am sorry old friend but business is business.. I just could not say no to this request."

This task had been specially requested for the leader only a while ago and it was to cooperate with capturing the headhunter.

The reward was very high and the threats involved if he did not complete the task or told anyone else was too much for him to handle.

Not only was his life at risk but so was his organisation, since all they wanted was the headhunter he had no choice but to comply.

Although Unrestrained realm martial artists were rare in this line of work, if enough efforts are put in and enough luck was involved then perhaps one of the more promising members of the organisation may match up to the headhunter.

Since the headhunter had been targeted by those with enough power that cannot be offended, he had no choice but to cut his losses and try to find a way to deal with his losses.

Since they were not affiliated with the Unorthodox Alliance, he did not have the support or protection to be able to go against the group that had approached and intimidated him.

Even if he had joined the Unorthodox Alliance, they may not have even cared about his small scale organisation compared to their bigger groups that are affiliated with them.

He looked at his old friend and sighed. "You have been so useful over the years but.. I have no choice