Illegitimate Child #4

Right after the captive had been handed over, the other person was subdued and dragged into the base of the Blood Sect.

While they were busy quenching their thirst with the blood of the witness, they chained up the body of the captor.

Some minor cuts were done to his body to slowly drain him after a couple of hours of becoming their captive but this was not enough to wake him up from his deep slumber.

The many men and women within were enjoying their time after completing their mission but before they could completely finish off the captive, a disturbance took place interrupting them from their carefree attitudes.

The first to enter the bases room was the wandering swordsman and the headhunter followed by Ki and Rashida followed by the numbers.

Due to the two Unrestrained realm martial artists leading the battle, many enemies were dispatched with ease.

After making their way through the weaker enemies, they both clashed weapons against a peak transcendent and an unrestrained realm.

There was some difference between the strengths but the Blood Sect members kept using brutal and lethal moves against the two Unrestrained realm fighters on Ki's side.

The peak transcendent consumed a pill out of desperation and began to fight fiercely against someone stronger while the other did their best to try to trade deadly attacks with the headhunter.

However after gaining some experience from the previous battles, she was aware that fighting them and trading attacks on each other would result in her own defeat due to their high vitality.

The best way was to behead the enemy or pierce their heart to end the battle right away.

Just as she was attempting to fend off the attacks and attack herself, the opponent lessened the grip on their sword and lunged at her with a dagger.

The wandering swordsman had an easier time with the transcendent but the explosive increase in strength and their vitality was a problem that he had not encountered before on his travels, or at least not to the level that it was this noticeable.

However after grasping the opponents movements and reckless way of fighting, he aimed straight for their neck slicing it off.

Just as the dagger was about to reach the headhunter, several throwing knives were thrown towards the attacker.

Since there was a small gap created by defending against some of them with their blood qi and some throwing knives breaking through their defences and piercing into their body, the headhunter was able to use this chance to remove their head.

More of them were brought down after the two strongest fell, leaving behind none of the Blood Sect people alive.

After sending out the others after saving the captive, the blood and riches were collected and traps were set within the base.

Ki gave the captive a drink containing a Vitality Gu, gave them an explanation on what had happened along with what they should do next and pointed them towards the hidden carriage that could be used to escape.

Since he had a family, friends and business partners that were at risk, it would be difficult to handle everything without alerting others of his survival.

He was given the recommendation to go to Wolfden City with his family first with some valuables that can be carried or brought in the carriage during the journey.

The business partners and friends would be later informed of his living status and arranged to set up their operations under a new name if they are prepared to follow him.

The risks of being exposed were always high when more were involved so Ki advised him to only bring those he trusted the most as there may be spies within his group.

However they would be unable to make contact with each other for some time and would have to contact each other through letters or through a middle man.

After sending him away, the group rested for a while before continuing on their journey.

This task to save another life and cause harm to the Blood Sect had been successful and had helped Ki to put the wandering swordsman and the headhunter under her control.

She and the others had also gained a large amount of blood to help further their training so those that had the chance to train during the journey went deep into meditation and began refining their bloody qi further to increase their strength even a little.