
Most of the naive villagers believed it and enjoyed their meal further praising the village head for his generosity during these troubling times.

Everyone ate well for those couple of days until they ran out of meat again but the family and the boy never once saw the young lady again after the marriage.

It wasn't until later that some people had been disappearing that some became suspicious and the truth had been exposed.

While many were disgusted with the idea of eating human flesh, the village head slowly convinced them that desperate times need desperate measures to ensure as many survivors as possible so even if many had been upset over it, the vast majority had begun to prioritise survival above all else.

However the boy's parents were angered and challenged the village head and the family who their daughter married into.

The response was quite cruel.

They were coldly told that it was nothing more than a trade, they provided extra food to help them and their son survive longer but in exchange they could do as they pleased with the daughter that had been married into their family.

In their eyes, the girl was exchanged for food and was now in their possession to do as they pleased.

During that time was when they and the village head were still hesitating over their decision but upon getting away with it once, they continued with it afterwards.

They had slowly become indifferent to the other families feelings and forced this situation upon the others while taking those that were healthy and would not be so easily missed to feed to everyone.

They had turned everyone into cannibals without their knowledge and the worst part of it was that they had fed him and his parents with the meat from his older sister's body.

Due to shock and despair over the news, his parents became pale and fainted.

They had become the next people to be targeted because they were vulnerable and had went against the village head and the family.

When the time came for the boy to face the same fate after his parents, he could not accept being eaten alive and wished for revenge.

He did everything that he could in order to contract a disease and make himself sick so that if those people ever did come for him then they would become sick from eating his flesh.

Since his flesh would be spread among the village, they would all join him in death.

This was his revenge to those that had treated his sister's, parent's and his own life like nothing.

In the other's eyes, he was nothing more than cattle that needed to be kept healthy and well fed until the day comes that he is to be put down and consumed by them.

Perhaps to the village head, everyone in the village had become cattle in his eyes.

He continued to eat human flesh, gave it to others to keep them from growing malnourished but when the time came that the meat has run out or become bad then he would choose among those he had been keeping alive to sacrifice next.

If the end of the flood happens and the village is able to survive then it would be most obvious that the village head and the family who was working with him from the beginning would be the final people to survive if there would be any survivors left.

The day came for his death some time ago but as they were about to cut the meat from his bones, they noticed his sickly complexion and panicked.

They were quick to lock him up and keep him from the others until he shows signs of recovery otherwise they would have to discard his body somewhere away from the village after his death.

They kept checking on him as his condition was worsening and he gave in to further despair.

In his heart, he had given up praying to any kind of god or saviour but instead chose to make bargains with any kind of existences that can avenge him and his family.

The boy had been driven to despair and madness by his surroundings but all that he could do with his immobile and sick body was lay there and stare at the cracks in the ceiling where the sunlight or rain would come though.

To him, seconds had become minutes, minutes turned to hours, hours to days as he could no longer make sense of the time passing around him as many familiar voices would be heard outside.

There he lay and continued to worsen until he picked up a different noise outside.

Rather than the hypocritical voices of the village head or the villagers, he found that a new voice had appeared nearby.

The strange voice was of a woman that sounded to be ill as her voice was strangely hoarse. "It is here.. the new seed."

The boy continued to lay there unable to move but his brows furrowed in confusion. 'Seed?"

A strange cackle came from the hoarse voice of the woman. "Good, Good! I can sense it... now where is it exactly.. the stench of death and despair is stronger here."

It did not sound like the voice of a human being but instead was one of a devil.

Someone who had long given up their humanity and left it behind to become something else entirely.

"You.." Another voice that belonged to the village head followed. "Who are you? No, what are you doing here stranger? What is with that suspicious black robe? Identify yourself!"

The village head was being very wary of the intruder who had appeared on the villages grounds and even had a little fear and guilt in his voice as if he had something to hide himself.

He most feared his secrets being discovered by others from the outside world so when an outsider had appeared near and was about to discover one of his evil deeds, he became defensive and started trying to find ways to catch the attention of the others to drive away the suspicious person.

Many startled voices or panting followed as others began to appear outside one after another but the intruder seemed to silently watching as they were slowly surrounded.

In the corner of his eyes, he could faintly make out the shadows of the villagers outside as they crowded and increased in numbers.