A man searching for answers

A little time after the previous head of the sound clan had come from her secluded training, she had emerged as a mystic realm powerhouse which was a large increase to the forces that supported the Bombyx family.

As the Blood Sect were getting their revenge for the previous failures, only smaller attacks were done upon the weaker parts of the Sound Clan.

Another force was preparing to deliver the final blow after a long time of searching for the mother and child that had gone missing due to the family being suspected as being behind their disappearance.

Within the main headquarters of the mercenary group, a middle aged man looked over the information in front of him silently before saying. "Hm.. they must be behind it. It is far too cleanly done and they have moved on too quickly. There is no way they could disappear so easily without leaving a trace behind unless the family itself had involvement in it. Since that husband if hers is so heartless then I do not need to show him any mercy."

Someone by his side had bowed and said. "Boss, just give me the order and we will make them suffer. How dare they mess with the person you love. It is such a shame that you have never been able to reunite."

The man shook his head and said in a sad tone. "It does not matter now. If I had been a little braver or stronger back then, maybe things would have been different. Maybe I would have had the courage to face her but now it is too late. All that is left is my vengeance."

He had one love in his life which had come from a chance meeting but once he had tracked her down, it was already too late and he could not possibly contend with the alliance of two families.

Although there was a son born, he had never suspected that the child had been born from that night because he believed that if it was his own child, the marriage would not go ahead as planned because of the shame it would bring to both families to have a child born not from the marriage but from their chance encounter that night.

He did not know how thick skinned the husband was so he could not possibly guess the reasons why the husband had chosen to still marry the head of the family.

He could not possibly guess that his son was within the family and that the head of the Sound Clan was in danger because of her own husband and family members from both families.

However with all of the investigation into the family that he had done, some things had started to reveal small hints that the young master of the family was not so fondly treated by the husband and the relationship between husband and wife was not so good.

Following that was further information about the situation within the families as they had not wasted time to make a grab for power once the head of the family had gone missing along with her son.

The husband was upset on the surface but his actions were strange as he had jumped back into a new marriage not long after declaring her as possibly dead or missing so it was even more suspicious to the man who read the information.

Putting many clues together along with the birth date of the son, everything seemed to fit together to show the man the truth. "She really kept a child born from that night.. i should have realised much sooner."

All that was left within him was deep regret, sadness and vengeance as he mourned the loss of not just his only love but also the son he never knew.

Too much time had passed and no clues were found besides the strange activities that surrounded the families as they had received many strange attacks from unknown forces so he was more certain that both the mother and son were gone for good.

He turned around and looked at the person who had knocked on the door. "What is it?"

The new person had entered and handed over a sealed letter before leaving.

The man opened it and looked over the first part of it and then coldly spoke. "Everyone leave. I need to be alone."

He then looked over the contents of the letter carefully. "It cannot be.."

[If you are reading this then the letter should have successfully reached you in an unsealed state. If it has been unsealed then it means that the letter has been compromised and you should destroy its contents then wait for another form of contact at a later date. Nobody else should be aware of this so keep it to yourself as the safety of certain people depend on it.

Inside is a map where you can follow the directions so that you can confirm that you have received it without any interference and are ready to cooperate. You will then stay nearby and we will find you but you must be alone for this to work. If you want to gain the information that you are looking for and do not wish to bring harm to those you are searching for then be careful and follow every instruction carefully!]

He then destroyed the contents of the letter while he looked over the other parts which had the map and other instructions that he must follow.

He kept up his usual routine as he prepared for his assault on the families but one day he had disappeared and left those under him in confusion.

Just as he had found a place to rest within the city that he had been sent to, a cloaked figure sat beside him and ordered a drink.

Two people who had not met for a very long time had reunited but he was not yet aware of it as events were about to unfold.

Soon Sonare would be reunited with the man that was the true father of her son thanks to the assistance that Ki had provided as she had used a lot of her information that she had collected along with her knowledge of the future events to track his movements and arrange their meeting.