Heading out

Not only had Ki gained many advances in many area but she had slowly been modifying her own qi art which was the result of the generation qi art which formed an extra dantain space in her body and allowed her to practice two different types of qi arts which worked together.

Her noxious and blood qi arts were both put together and they were showing further signs of changes as she progressed in both of them.

Through a lot of practice, she was slowly able to further understand her current qi arts and the mysteries around them so she was able to spot where there could be flaws or ways to change it to suit herself or to make it into a completely unique qi art which used the teachings from all three qi arts.

The main dantain formed the foundation where the wood based Noxious qi art was which allowed the user to refine their qi to suit the characteristics of a harmful plant or tree.

The main parts of the Generation qi art were still kept but were further refined as other details of the other elements besides wood and water were kept.

Then the secondary dantain was of the water more specifically a blood qi art which tempered and refined the body through nourishing it with lots of blood and vitality while also providing greater healing capabilities and nourishing the main dantains qi arts.

The more refined that it was becoming, the better image of its name and perfected state was available to Ki.

Her control over qi had grown by leaps and bounds after learning under the previous Sound Clan leader so she did not encounter many problems while changing her qi art.

Recently she had come up with the names 'Blood Nourishing Tree Qi Art' and 'Blood Demon Tree Qi Art' due to its characteristics of having the natures of a harmful tree which has been strengthened by blood and vitality.

A tree was not harmful to humans unless it was a very deadly tree and would be all around and remain in place as many cultures flourish and fall around it.

If that tree was nourished and strengthened by the vitality of the humans and animals around it then it would possibly be filled with more vitality than before and it would become tougher and more poisonous if it had the same characteristics as the qi art.

Ki got up from her practice after she finished circulating her modified qi art and let out a short breath as she finished her breathing pattern that went along with it.

She walked while followed by her loyal dog Nova as she headed inside of the family mansion where she found her family waiting for her.

Elizabeth saw that her treasured first daughter was dirty once again and scolded. "You were sitting outside again. I thought you knew by now that you must be cleanly and dressed properly if you wish to be seen as a respectable lady."

Adam softly spoke to his wife trying to buy Ki some time to escape and to calm his wife down. "Come on, you should know by now that she has her own thoughts and way of doing things. When she wants to, she can dress up nicely."

Ki took her fathers warning glance and then looked towards the servants who escorted her to get bathed and ready. 'Mom has really been hard on me lately.. but I can tell that she is worried about me and my debut. Perhaps even my marriage but I think she should really be putting her focus on my two younger siblings.'

Ki had not yet properly appeared in the eyes of the many noble and rich families in the northern parts of the Central Lands, only those who had met her personally when she made business or personal trips from the family home had even seen her face unless she had hidden her appearance.

While she had received invites and marriage proposals from many families, she had denied them all unless they were invites from one of the vassal families.

Her own thoughts on relationships and marriage had always been far away as she had more important things to take care of first and even the male who was by her side the most during her break was not even considered by her.

Lyric was by her side often ever since he arrived in the Bombyx village and he kept her company while teaching her music but they both did not go beyond that relationship.

Lyric had his own goals as he wanted to gain more mastery over his sound arts and gain more power so he could help his mother to restore the Sound Clan so even if he did feel comfortable around Ki or have some liking towards her, he was not willing to step past the boundary she had up.

Ki was far too absorbed in her own goals and did not have much time for relationships outside of friends, family and subordinates but she was lacking in experience or interest towards love because she was still an old soul deep inside.

It would feel weird to date someone of any age near her bodies current age when she was over eighty years old in her previous life and still had memories and experiences from that long life.

It would be very difficult for her to ignore the difference in mental age in any situation and if she did date someone older, it would also look weird as she was still approaching sixteen and would be dating an older man.

Although there were families that married off their daughters at a younger age and married them off to older men if the conditions for the marriage were desirable for the family, Ki was never a supporter of such arrangements.

As she stepped out of her room, Ki was wearing a light blue dress, light makeup was on her face and she had her curly brown hair neatly styled so she felt comfortable. 'This should be enough to satisfy her.'

She came back to the room where her family waited and Agnes walked forward and held her hand. "You look beautiful. Come and bring it quickly."

After Agnes spoke the second part, a maid stepped forward and opened a small box.

Agnes took out a beautifully designed necklace which had the shape of a mulberry tree and it had a small but beautiful gem on it. "This is my early gift to you."

Ki smiled snd turned around as Agnes placed it around her neck and fastened it. "Thank you. I will treasure it."

Agnes smiled but then showed a look of sadness as she thought of something. "I will not get to see your debut but can you play for me once you return?"

Ki nodded. "I will."

Agnes showed a grateful look. "I look forward to it then."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and then let out a sigh. "I still do not understand why we should be travelling so far for this. We could have held it here or somewhere close."

Adam knew his wife's thoughts but he spoke up for Ki. "I am sure this has to do with the families growing influence in the Northern Lands. We will need to make an appearance there sooner or later so she must have had this carefully planned out for a while."

Ki nodded and agreed with her father. "You are correct. While it would be beneficial to have my coming of age in the Central Lands where I was born, I would prefer to use this as a chance to integrate with the northerners."

The venue had already been bought within the capital for a while and it had been prepared for her coming of age so all that was needed was for her to show up since the invitations had already been sent out.

Elizabeth looked at her daughter and asked. "Are you ready?"

Ki nodded again then walked towards the entrance of the mansion. "Yes lets go."

While they headed out, they were greeted with several familiar faces who had aged and grown a little just as Ki had.

Among them was Lumi and Rayleigh who looked very beautiful as a result of their maturing and practicing ice qi arts.