Dogs Growling

The discussion continued for a little longer within the small camp where people and animals were held captive.

The dogs occasionally let out some howls and started whining to show their unease towards their current situation.

Nothing was strange about any of it since it had been going on for some time.

The people holding everyone captive had yelled towards them and raised their hands to threaten them with violence in order to silence them.

They needed to stay undiscovered but not every part of their plan could be perfect since there were certain things out of their control.

The dogs were the prizes they had gained along with many other things so killing them would only reduce the profits they had gained.

A small amount had been killed and eaten by the most savage of the captors but most of the others were spared that looked like they were more valuable than the others and were in a better condition.

It drew no real attention to them once one of the dogs had started to growl and bark once again which caused the others to make some noise too.

Several of them close by had glared towards the snow dogs and walked over slowly in order to quieten them down like they had been fed up with the task they had been given.

Among the dogs was a large sized husky that was part husky and part malamute, it raised its head towards the approaching people and bared its teeth towards them. "Grrr."

A whip was raised up and was about to be swung back behind one of the people who had reached the snow dogs in preparation for a swing of it that would be sent close to the dogs.

The whip would hit near the dogs and would startle them all but if they continued to make noise and be aggressive then they were allowed to target the more troublesome ones.

The aggressive growls became louder along with the howls that came from each of the snow dogs as they saw that action taken against them.

The whip was about to go near to the crossbreed husky but the movements of the person holding it had halted all of a sudden.

A couple of seconds before he had decided to swing the whip towards the snow dogs, another sudden disturbance had taken place.

The patrolling subordinates of both of the main groups under the two leaders had kept a vigil lookout over their surroundings but had been slightly distracted by the commotion caused within their camp.

The moment that some were distracted was when an attack came without any kind of warning.

One person was standing looking towards the snow dogs that looked a lot like they were affiliated with the Netherflame Sect but something hit them all of a sudden and impaled the side of their neck. "Huk.."

They instinctively reached towards where the pain was felt and could feel the cold handle of a small dagger that was sticking out the side of their neck.

A look of understanding and despair was displayed on their face in that moment which was followed by many different emotions that had been displayed as they dropped down to the ground clutching their wound. "Hak..huh… ah.."

The life was draining from them with each second as the blood rapidly drained from their bodies and the air was prevented from running smoothly in and out of their body.

They were not the only one to suffer such a precise, quiet and quick killing method as more daggers flew towards those near him that were all dressed in a similar attire.

One fell down followed by another which was followed by several more within a short times as the daggers were expertly thrown towards their vitals when their guard had been lowered.

One more dagger had flown much further than the others as it reached towards the figure that had suddenly raised a whip up in preparation for sending it near the snow dogs.

He had halted his movements due to the commotion that had been caused by the sudden deaths and the others jumping into action to take on their new enemy but it was not enough to let him escape the dagger that pierced into the back of his head with enough force to kill him.

A figure stepped out that wore a thick cloak that covered most of their figure and several daggers and other smaller blades were being juggled up into the air around them before one was caught in their hand once again.

The weapons were either thrown back up into the air to free up their hands for to catch the ones that were falling down or had been thrown towards a target.

Each of those targeted had been dressed in a specific way that gave away their affiliation with the exception of the person that had targeted Nova the husky and malamute crossbreed dog.

The numbers of the group were much more than twenty five of them but more than five had been killed in such a short moment.

The two leaders were alerted to the sudden attack and screamed. "Kill them!"

A cold white flame formed in the hands of the leader of the group that was still alive among those of the Netherflame Sect. "I will make you into an ice sculpture. Kekeke."