Freja leaving-2

Aragon's eyes became red with tears. He controlled his tears looking at his grandma. He wanted to speak but she was talking continuously and he was just listening to her nodding his head.

She hugged him after staring at him for a while.

"You know how much I love you, that's why I don't want to take you. You should stay here while I will come back as quickly as possible." She said firmly.

Aragon wiped his eyes and looked at her with resolve. He thought if he cried, it might be hard for grandma to go.

Normally she would not have left him even for a couple of hours without seeing him. The reason might be important that she has to leave.

She will definitely come back, he thought.

Seeing him not make a fuss anymore, she caressed his face, "You have already grown up, I didn't know." She kissed his forehead.

Then she walked back and smiled at him.

She raised her hand and then a man dressed in a long coat over a line shirt. He looked a bit older than Freja, but he looked very handsome with a fine jawline.

Aragon was startled to see the man.

He entered the house and bowed to Freja.

"My lady,"

"Let's go." She said after looking at Aragon for a few seconds.

Her face now had no expression on her face. It was solemn and stern.

She had no idea that she might ever see him again.

Then the man waved his hands to form a circle of bright golden orange color. The span area of those circles was about the size of 200cm, enough for them to fit in it.

A portal opened creating disturbances in the room. Then Freja and the man walked into the portal. That man looked back at Aragon and the portal closed and everything went back to normal.

Aragon sat at the table and put his hand on the table supporting his chin. He looked at the spot where Freja and that mysterious man walked. Now it was just a wall.

"Who was that man? What was that?" He had plenty of questions.

"She said she will come back. So let's just wait for her." He sighed, unsuitable for a boy of his age.

He sat with a sad face. It was a few hours after the sunrise, the sunlight shone into the room making it bright.

"I have to compose myself. I should not disappoint my Grandma. She told me to become stronger, that I will do."

He regained his usual self.

He was in normal clothes. He went up to the bedroom. Then he removed his clothes.

He wore black trousers and a white shirt. He tied his black hair to the back of his head into a ponytail.

He walked out of the house. He looked up at the sky, closing his eyes for a second.

He resumed his walk to the ground.

He has reached the ground. It was surprisingly busy than the previous day.

They were more children and teens. They were also some adults among them.

Aragon made his way to the circled people. They were two people fighting already as usual. The crowd around was a lot compared to normal days. He didn't know why.

He saw Synnove in the wooden cabin, she leaned back to the wall with her eyes closed. They were also Egnav with Ivar and Anaes. All three of them were present and spectating.