Aragon in the fight

The match was not that interesting and finished with one of them winning.

The other days, When Aragon came to the ground, he came alone then he watched and left. He had not spoken to anyone. Others also didn't pay him much attention.

Aragon stayed in either his home or in the cave. He sometimes wandered mountains with his grandma. Not much of his time was spent in the village, so they weren't familiar with him.

Aragon walked in when everyone was talking about who would come next.

They didn't stop their bickering. The atmosphere was just a busy-like marketplace. No one paid any attention to him.

"Attention, you bunch."

He spoke like usual but this time it was loud enough for the entire ground.

Then everyone stopped the matters at hand and looked at the boy who spoke.

"Who is this kid?"

"Isn't he the boy who lives with his grandmother?"

"Yeah. The one on the top of the hill."

"That's him."

"What is he doing here?"

"Who is that kid?"

"I have not seen him anywhere in the village?"

"He never leaves his home. That's why no one knows. Man, how can one stay cooped up at home all the time."

"No shit! Here's one in front of you."

The kids joked around seeing Aragon. While he walked back and forth from house to ground. He was seen by a few and so some of them knew who he was and that he was living with his grandmother.

His grandmother often came to the village. Only a few of the villagers knew her. It was a fact that the village was not that big, so word spreads around. That she lived with her grandson in a higher-ground house.

Aragon listened to their comments. He glanced at everyone and said in a firm tone, "I am standing here if anyone wants to fight with me, can come."

As soon as he said that, some of the older kids laughed, criticizing him even more. When they looked at him, he didn't look like most of the kids there who were rough and had mud-stained clothes.

His handsome face made him look different from them.

At this time, a young boy of Aragon's age came forward. He was well built with muscle around his arms and chest.

"Comm'n. Whatever your name is" said that boy, looking at Aragon.

Aragon watched the boy come forward.

"Here I come, You better be worth your words." That young man jumped at Aragon with his raised hand fist. It was like a simple punch.

Aragon took the head-on without avoiding it. He was hit on his jaw.

That young man didn't stop at that, he continuously barraged him with fists.

Aragon took some of his punches and he dodged some. While all this time and when he was hit, Aragon didn't have any expression on his face. He was just observing his opponent while maintaining his calm composure.

At some point, all of the audience thought, Aragon was overwhelmed by that young man and was unable to react to stop his punches.

Some have thought that the punch strikes were not that strong enough to make him feel anything.

Ivar and others also started to watch the match. At first, they thought some kid has come to try his luck. So they just didn't put thought into it.

After a few minutes of the match, seeing Aragon still standing even with beatings, they started to watch as if it was amusing.