Meeting Katheryn

Synnove was showing a disgusted expression upon the arrival of the man. She hated to visit this house for this reason.

Synnove was the type who only cared about becoming a superior warrior. She had to fight for her life. If she were not stronger to defend herself, Then she would just become the wife of someone else.

Although 'the act between men and women was a very common thing in this lands, she was not the one who would like to do it all the time, like some type of mongrel.

"She went to the center. She should be back any time." That man replied drinking a gulp of ale from the bottle.

He sat on the porch and drank the ale.

Aragon was standing behind Asdis watching them without saying anything. He had straight looking expression on his face.

While walking here, he decided to know about his father's family, if they were to come look for him.

So he waited for his aunt to come.

Synnove sighed and looked at Asdis. She left with her without looking back. She didn't say anything to Aragon or to Gaerr.

Aragon watched them leaving and he was a little bit startled to see Synnove's action. She was totally opposite to her appearance. If not for her attitude, men would jump in the queue for her.

"Who are you boy?" Gaerr asked him while he was staring at leaving Synnove.

"I'm Aragon." He walked to the stone under the tree which was on the side of the house. The house even had back yard full of vegetable plants.

"Are you here for Katheryn?" He took another sip.

He nodded.

"What a wanton woman! going for a kid this time." He smirked and continued drinking.

He didn't know that he was her nephew. And Katheryn was a very carefree woman and had various relationships. She was not married and she didn't care for the marriage. She was also a warrior of the tribe and fought many battles with her brother Rhaet and Aragon's father. They fought side by side, winning many battles.

She opposed anyone who said that women should work at home while men fight battles. She instead took a weapon in hand and went on to hunt and fight.

Aragon sat under the tree and was drawing lines with a stick like he was passing time.

Minutes then an hour passed, and Katheryn walked into the yard. She was carrying a barrel in her right hand. It certainly was the ale-filled barrel.

Gaerr saw her and a huge grin appeared on his face seeing the barrel. It would be enough for the two of them last a week at least. And she was carrying it with ease.

Gaerr then pointed his finger toward Aragon who had his head bent down looking at the ground where he scribbled what only he knew.

Katheryn walked to the porch and placed the barrel and turned in that direction.

Aragon also lifted his head. He saw Katheryn coming toward him. 

Katheryn had wavy light blonde hair which was tied in braids. Her blue eyes were fixed on him. She wore a red full-sleeved long gown. The dress was exactly fit in that it showed her assets well and curves on both sides of her hip.

Her sharp nose with tender lips and also had defined jawline added a more confident look to her.

Aragon stood up staring at her.

"My, My, aren't you a handsome kid." She said revealing a sultry smile.