Temporary home

Aragon continued to stare at her. Her smile made him blush and he was a little flustered.

"Don't be shy. Come on, let us go in." She caught his hand and pulled him in.

She seemed to have expected Aragon to come. She was already told by her brother Rhaet, that she had to take care of him for a while. Because she lived alone and would be better if he lived here with her. That's what Rhaet thought and sent him here.

A place to live with someone, so he doesn't feel lonely. It was the intention of Freja to ask Aragon to stay here.

Aragon also understood this point and came here for various other reasons.

Both of them entered the house and she gave him fruits to eat.

"Here. You can also pick them up in the backyard." She handed him the fruits.

Aragon took them and began to eat without feeling shy now. He looked around the house. They were in a small room right after they entered. Adjacent to the room, there was a kitchen. There were a few stairs upwards leading to a spacious attic.

It contained a wooden bed with fur cloth on it. Other than the bed, there was nothing.

The front room also didn't have anything but a wooden bench. The kitchen had a small table with two simple wooden chairs.

The craftsmanship was not that great. They had made houses using wood. So it was all plain and simple looking, just to meet their needs.

She came with a bottle of ale. And she sat beside him on the bench.

"Your grandma, for sure, took care of you nicely."

She was checking his clothes and inspected him thoroughly.

He was feeling a bit annoyed by her sudden contact and she was acting so unabashed, touching him and his hair.

"What! Are you angry at me or something?" She asked him seeing him act annoyed.

"No." He said in a stern tone.

"Moody boy." She pinched his cheeks.

Aragon was feeling a little unhappy about the situation. He felt like she was being overly friendly. Even if she was his aunt, he didn't like her being touchy. And it was their first time meeting.

"How are you related to my father?" He asked her trying to avoid her attention.

"Oh! Do you want to know about your father? Well, I will tell you."

She leaned back to the wall, then sipped from her bottle.

"He was my younger brother. Rhaet, me and your father always used to go on hunts for beasts in the wild."

"That day too, we went on like usual. A mountain lion suddenly attacked us. Your father who always likes to run in the front was caught off guard and killed by it."

"It was unfortunate." She took another gulp this time.

She was feeling melancholic.

Aragon didn't feel anything about his father who he didn't see or maybe a little sad that he didn't get to see them. His grandma raised him and took care of him without the need for a second person. He felt a little too emotional about his parent's death. He rather felt more attached to his grandma. To him she was everything.

"Are you feeling sad?" She asked him.

"A little sad, maybe? Both my mother after having me and my father before I was even born. I didn't get to see them or for them to see me." Aragon expressed his thoughts.

"Don't worry kid. You probably don't know but you got a lot of family members on your father's side." She assured him.

"Well, then. Take rest or sleep where ever you want." She got up and left for the attic.

Then Gaerr also followed her behind, as if he was waiting for her to go up.

Aragon lay right there on that bench.