Battle in the dark

In the darkness, the soldiers weren't able to see clearly. They had been horrified by the scene they had just seen, and, while they were still in shock, an unknown man came from nowhere and attacked, and a young man, whom they considered to be a foreigner, had fended him off.


Their minds weren't able to process the things that were happening in front of them. While they were still processing the brief clash between Aragon and that man, they heard the sounds of footsteps closing. Their hands instinctively reached for their weapons, but they hesitated to move, unsure of what was approaching. As the footsteps grew louder, they braced themselves for whatever was coming.


There were twenty-six of them, excluding Aragon. All of them were already equipped with armor; they held swords in their hands and looked around with fear-stricken minds. For them, it was nerve-wracking to be in this place right now.